Yoda: Microsoft Open Sources Artificial Intelligence Toolkit


yoda with light saberMicrosoft Open Sources Artificial Intelligence Toolkit

Microsoft says its toolkit is “more efficient” than other solutions used to create deep learning models.

The software giant has open sourced its Computational Network Toolkit, or CNTK, which the company says is “more efficient” than four other popular solutions used to create deep learning models for things like speech and image recognition — including Google's recently open-sourced TensorFlow. Now, the toolkit is available via GitHub for anyone who wants to use it, from deep learning start-ups to more established companies processing huge amounts of data in real time.

Phillip J. Watt: What You Need to Know…


Phillip WattInformation that Society Needs to Wake the Fu*k Up

Phi Beta Iota: The author provides seventy-two points that represent the best possible distillation of truths the public needs to appreciate. We think so highly of this that we are mirroring the entire post, something we do not normally do,  to assure its preservation.  Full text below the line. Click on headline to read in the original.

Tip of the Hat to Contributing Editor Berto Jongman.

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Gustavo Tanaka: Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed

Gustavo Tanaka
Gustavo Tanaka

Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven't Noticed

A few months ago, I freed myself from standard-procedure society. I broke the chains of fear that kept me locked up into the system. Since then, I see the world from a different perspective: the one that everything is going through change and that most of us are unaware of that.

Why is the world changing? In this post, I'll point out the eight reasons that lead me to believe it.

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Antechinus: Kurds & Rojava – 3 References


In contrast to the increasingly autocratic Turkey to the north and the fragmented and warring countries to the south, the Kurds in the Rojava canton have consolidated a history of self-determination and resistance to external control by developing the kind of decentralized society based on communal decision making envisaged by US social scientist Murray Bookchin.

The History and Context of the Rojava Revolution

A long-form introduction to the history and the present struggle of the Kurdish people.

Two More References Below the Fold

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CounterPunch: WikiLeaks vs. the Empire – the Revolutionary Act of Telling the Truth

Ethics, Uncategorized

counterpunch squareWikileaks vs. the Empire: the Revolutionary Act of Telling the Truth

To the rulers of the world in Washington and Europe, Syria’s true crime is not the oppressive nature of its government but its independence from American and Israeli power – just as Iran’s true crime is its independence, and Russia’s true crime is its independence, and China’s true crime is its independence.  In an American-owned world, independence is intolerable.