BUCKY 2.0: Synthesis of R. Buckminster Fuller INSTRUCTIONS (On a Critical Path Toward Taking Care of Everyone, Doing No Harm)

Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller

SYNTHESIS of R. Buckminster Fuller INSTRUCTIONS (on a critical path toward taking care of everyone, doing no harm)

  • Do you OWN THINKING (clearly discern reality from nonsense)
  • Really know TRUTH (universal Principles/Laws/Truths [PLTs] governing all human experience)
  • Understand ESSENTIAL NATURE of being human (relevaing inherent relationships to self, others, community of life, Universe
  • Pay attention to ALL CLUES nature provides
  • UNLEARN anything not confirmed by natural, universal, omnipotents, operational PLTs
  • Make a complete DISCONNECT from everything lacking integrity of natural laws
  • SATURATE yourself iwth accurate, comprehensive (Cosmically Adequate) information
  • RETHINK everything, continually (ask, “What makes ______ true?”)

Additional reflections:

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Robert Reich: Why Revolution is Dead in the USA

Robert Reich
Robert Reich

This post originally ran on Robert Reich’s Web page.

People ask me all the time why we don’t have a revolution in America, or at least a major wave of reform similar to that of the Progressive Era or the New Deal or the Great Society.

Middle incomes are sinking, the ranks of the poor are swelling, almost all the economic gains are going to the top, and big money is corrupting our democracy. So why isn’t there more of a ruckus?

The answer is complex, but three reasons stand out.

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Event: 1-4 July 14 Madrid International Mediation and Crisis Management


We will be bringing together some of the greatest visionaries and forward thinking mediation experts from across the globe including top graduate institutions, international organizations, grassroots peace movements, lawyers and legal representatives as well as NGO’s and government representatives.

Data:    July 1st – 4th, 2014 (+ June 30th)

Venue: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Patronage:  World Mediation Organization

Executive Body:   Mediation International

This Summit is exclusively designed to gather outstanding professional competencies, to share with and to communicate appropriate knowledge to the audience. The topic of this annual event is: ‘Dealing with Conflicts of International Interest'. Attendees will receive a proper certificate of attendance and further education by naming the individual year of participation. The summit contains a structure of 50 % interactive trainings, and 50 % of panel discussions and lectures. Basic information right here 

Review (Guest): Counterinsurgency – Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War


cover porch coinDouglas Porch

A Can of Worms Finally Released and Emptied

By A. Bodhi Chenevey, RM, DD on September 13, 2013

This book hits home at a personal level, yet it offers a well researched–NOT A WELL FABRICATED BATCH OF USA PROPAGANDA–historical documentation of what has become known as Western Counter-Insurgency, and then proceeds to expose it for what COIN really is: “Petty War” tactics and nothing special at all.During the unpopular conflict in Southeast Asia, neck deep in this fiasco, I smelled something horribly rotten and never could put my finger on. I was well read in the current Insurgency and COIN documents from all the well knowns, but what I saw unfold before me and what I read and was taught as US Military Doctrine were diametrically opposite one another.

The level of savagery and brutality elicited upon the peoples of the south for whom we were there to supposedly help, the corruption in both our government, especailly in the SpecOps groups, and the southern government and its military we worked to create and support, the utilization of indigenous mountain peoples we exploited as hunters exploit their hunting dogs, and the openly elitist view the US Military, both conventional and SpecForces groups harbored toward all of peoples in this region, really is par for the course, when discussing USA/British/French Colonial inspired COIN. This book LITERALLY documents these facts beginning from the Preface to the Conclusion, ripping SOCOM a “new one.”

Continue reading “Review (Guest): Counterinsurgency – Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War”

Lanier: Silicon Valley Killing Middle Class

Who?  Who?
Who? Who?

Lanier: Silicon Valley Making the “Stupid Choice”

This piece by NYT columnist Joe Nocera on his read of Jaron Lanier's book Who Owns the Future is thought-provoking and worth serious consideration by policy makers in the government especially, if only because colossal Silicon Valley greed blinds technology companies to the economic destruction their technology is raining down upon their customers, so other forces need to reign them in before it is too late.

Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Some excerpts:

“With unemployment seemingly stalled out at around 7 percent in the aftermath of the Great Recession, with the leak of thousands of National Security Agency documents making news almost daily, with the continuing stories about the erosion of privacy in the digital economy, “Who Owns the Future?” puts forth a kind of universal theory that ties all these things together. It also puts forth some provocative, unconventional ideas for ensuring that the inevitable dominance of software in every corner of society will be healthy instead of harmful.”<

Continue reading “Lanier: Silicon Valley Killing Middle Class”

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

CYBER: Guccifer Files on Hacking Spree

CYBER: Resetting Cyber System with High Security Computing

CYBER: The Internet of Things Is Wildly Insecure — And Often Unpatchable

Global Disasters Killed More, Cost Less In 2013

Gulf region emerges as a cyber conflict flashpoint

LIFE: Ortega's Revolt of the Masses (1929) Explains Today

LIFE: Study Reveals How You can Upgrade your Genes

RUSI Security Predictions

SYRIA: Sharmine Narwani: Syrian Opposition is not United and Cohesive

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

SYRIA: UN Stops Updating Syrian Death Toll

SYRIA: Why Al Assad's Rule May Endure

Timeline of the Far Future (InfoGraphic)

THREAT: Global Terrorism Database

THREAT: Insecurity & the Retrograde State

THREAT: Saudi Arabia moving ahead with Gulf union

Top Risks 2014 (Eurasia Group)

1 – America’s troubled alliances
2 – Diverging markets
3 – The new China
4 – Iran
5 – Petrostates
6 – Strategic data
7 – Al Qaeda 2.0
8 – The Middle East’s expanding unrest
9 – The capricious Kremlin
10 – Turkey