Rickard Falkvinge: Salute to US Border Guards — Travis McCrea No Longer Harrassed

Rickard Falkvinge
Rickard Falkvinge

Victory: US Border Patrol Reverses Harassment Thanks To You

Posted: 14 Oct 2013 03:45 PM PDT

Activism – Travis McCrea: Back in September, I posted a cute GIF laden post which outlined my harassment by the US Border Patrol, where they have gone as far as accused the Pirate Party of being a terrorist movement.

A few days after that, I had travelled to Canada for the day and when I came back… there was no inspection at all. Not even an invasive question, they asked where I was coming from and what I did there… and allowed me to answer with vague but descriptive answers (went to TO, visited friends).

Yesterday, I was traveling with friends but took a separate car as to not subject them to the torment that I typically have to go through at the border. To my surprise and relief, as I crossed at the border crossing that I have most trouble with (there are 3 border crossings near me to choose from) they did not search my car, they did not ask me invasive questions, they asked the minimal amount of questions and let me answer with vague answers and off I went.

This wasn’t just a coincidence — this was because of you. I had travelled over 12 times across the border before that post, and every time I was stopped. Every person who shared that post with their friends, every person who gave me encouragement, and every person who sent a tweet to @CBPBuffalo helped them realize that I am not a terrorist, and having political beliefs is not wrong but rather a critical part to a thriving democracy.

We called their bluff, they threatened to call the FBI counter terrorism department and have them lock me up in a dark room while they grilled me with questions… I stood firm in my beliefs, knowing that I had the best team in the world on my side… and I did. They didn’t call the FBI, they removed my flag from the system, and I am now free to travel in and out of this country.

This wasn’t due to their loving nature, this was you. So thank you, and know that while we face an uphill battle for protecting our freedoms. Every once in a while we get little victories in our fight, this is certainly one of them and even though it might not have felt like you did much — your small (or large) effort combined with everyone else did just make a change.

Let’s dance.


Preston James: Abandoned POWs (Russia, Korea, Viet-Nam) — Betrayal Revelations Emergent

Preston James
Preston James

Left Behind — America's POWs Across Fifty Years

Preston James, PhD

Veterans Today, 10 October 2013

One of the USG’s greatest betrayals and a true blight upon America is the USG’s stubborn refusal to “come clean officially” and tell the truth about leaving thousands of US Soldiers behind in Russia at the end of WW2, in North Korea at the end of the Korean war, and in North Vietnam at the end of the Vietnam war.

The amount of lying, deceit and murder required to keep this BIG LIE and treason secret is astounding and beyond the imagination of most normal Americans.

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NIGHTWATCH: Afghanistan – the Numbers Known and Unknown


Afghanistan: Comment: NightWatch has completed one of its occasional reviews of the level of violence in Afghanistan. Reportig from Afghan government sources since March 2013 shows that the major policy initiatives and resource commitments by of the Allied countries have made little lasting impact on the overall progression of the conflict.What is worse is that the withdrawal of well-equipped forces has created a false-positive echo that suggests security is improving because there are fewer non-Afghan casualties. Afghan reports indicate the fight got worse in September.

A table of monthly security incidents follows.

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Sterling Seagrave: Benjamin Fulford Comments on Trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds now in the possession of the White Dragon Society

Ethics, Uncategorized
Sterling Seagrave
Sterling Seagrave

Thanks Jill for passing this over…..I will comment throughout.  This is exactly where I got my feet wet and where the real power of the world resides and that is with the true owners of these instruments.  All governments are loaned these and of course there is a history on that alone.


July 2, 2013

Last week, representatives of Asian groups asked the White Dragon Society to help them cash trillions of dollars’ worth of historical bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Board. The WDS agreed on the condition the funds be partly used to finance a massive campaign to end poverty, war and environmental destruction. For example, here is a picture of one of a set of 60 boxes each containing $125 billion worth of bonds:

If the Federal Reserve Board and the BIS refuse to cash these historical bonds, then the relentless campaign against them will continue. This campaign has so far removed from power Pope Maledict, J. Rockefeller, Queen Beatrix of Holland, 26 top Pentagon generals, the CIA head Petraeus, Hillary Clinton, the King of Saudi Arabia and many others. Last week, in a major cabal defeat, Sabbatean mafia stooge Julia Gillard was removed from the Prime Minister’s office of Australia. Next will be anybody else who stands in the way of efforts to save the planet including Ben Bernanke and Barak Obama.

Continue reading “Sterling Seagrave: Benjamin Fulford Comments on Trillions of dollars’ worth of bonds now in the possession of the White Dragon Society”

Penguin: NSA = Zionists Ubber Alles


Who, Me?
Who, Me?
NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans' data with Israel

• Secret deal places no legal limits on use of data by Israelis
• Only official US government communications protected
• Agency insists it complies with rules governing privacy
Read the NSA and Israel's ‘memorandum of understanding'

Complete story (Glenn Greenwald, The Guardian) below the line.

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