Mini-Me: Information Operations–Who’s on First?

Who? Mini-Me?

We used to emphasize incompetence over conspiracy.  The Kony 2012 IO “story” is being exploded by multiple sources, most of which accuse the KONY administrators of being out and out thieves who deliver less than 30% of collected funds to any good use; and who have been reinventing themselves each year.

There are many truths — what has been most interesting about this has been the fluid co-equal nature of multiple truths.

The TRUTH behind the KONY 2012 movement


The Daily Paul, 8 March 2012

Why is there a sudden interest in KONY after years and years of crimes?

(Note that the Kony 2012 documentary was filmed in 2003  almost 10 years ago!!!!)

The premise:

Uganda: Oil Reserves Rival Saudi Arabia's, Says U.S. Expert

Kampala — Uganda's oil reserves could be as much as that of the Gulf countries, a senior official at the US Department of Energy has said.

The urgency today:

CNOOC weighs Uganda refinery (2 weeks ago, 2/22/12)

BEIJING – China National Offshore Oil Corp, the country's biggest marine oil producer, is negotiating with Uganda to participate in the African country's first refinery, adjacent to the Lake Albert Basin.

China has deepened links with resource-rich African nations in recent years as it looks to secure key commodities to feed its breakneck growth.

Another war we must fight to preserve the petrodollar system.

Obama sends 100 troops to combat LRA in Uganda

Explain to me how we are to start wars in Syria, Iran and Uganda

Censoring dissent:

Facebook users are reporting that facebook is blocking the sharing of a link “” which is somewhat critical of “Invisible Children” the group behind the documentary

Only 31% of the “charity's” money is spent on the children according to True Reddit.

Sepp Hasslberger: Nanotrees Harvest Sun Energy to Convert Water into Hydrogen Fuel

Sepp Hasslberger

Nanotrees harvest the sun's energy to turn water into hydrogen fuel

( — University of California, San Diego electrical engineers are building a forest of tiny nanowire trees in order to cleanly capture solar energy without using fossil fuels and harvest it for hydrogen fuel generation. Reporting in the journal Nanoscale, the team said nanowires, which are made from abundant natural materials like silicon and zinc oxide, also offer a cheap way to deliver hydrogen fuel on a mass scale.

“This is a clean way to generate clean fuel,” said Deli Wang, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

Electronic microscopic image of a nanoforest, or “3D branched nanowire array.” Green tint added for contrast. Image Credit: Wang Research Group, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

The trees’ vertical structure and branches are keys to capturing the maximum amount of , according to Wang. That’s because the vertical structure of trees grabs and adsorbs light while flat surfaces simply reflect it, Wang said, adding that it is also similar to retinal photoreceptor cells in the human eye. In images of Earth from space, light reflects off of flat surfaces such as the ocean or deserts, while forests appear darker.

Wang’s team has mimicked this structure in their “3D branched nanowire array” which uses a process called photoelectrochemical water-splitting to produce hydrogen gas. Water splitting refers to the process of separating water into oxygen and hydrogen in order to extract hydrogen gas to be used as fuel. This process uses clean energy with no green-house gas byproduct. By comparison, the current conventional way of producing hydrogen relies on electricity from .

By harvesting more sun light using the vertical nanotree structure, Wang’s team has developed a way to produce more hydrogen fuel efficiently compared to planar counterparts where light is simply reflected off the surface. Image Credit: Wang Research Group, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

Continue reading “Sepp Hasslberger: Nanotrees Harvest Sun Energy to Convert Water into Hydrogen Fuel”

Mini-Me: Is Germany About to Start a Run on Gold Held at the New York Fed?

Who? Mini-Me?

Is Germany About to Start a Run on Gold Held at the New York Fed?

Economic Policy Journal, 8 March 2012

German lawmakers are to review Bundesbank controls of and management of Germany’s gold reserves. Parliament’s Budget Committee will assess how the central bank manages its inventory of Germany’s gold bullion bars that are believed to be stored not only in Frankfurt, but at locations outside Germany, according to German newspaper Bild.

What's most interesting about all this is that Germany may follow in Hugo Chavez’s footsteps and repatriate their gold to Germany so as to have direct possession of and ownership of their gold reserves. It's really the only way to protect a central bank's gold ownership, since by simply going in and asking the New York Fed to show Germany “their” gold, the Fed can walk them in and show them a pile of gold and tell them that it is theirs. The next day they can walk Chinese officials in and show the Chinese the exact same pile of gold and tell them that the gold is theirs.

Possession is the only sure protection.

Germany’s huge gold reserves – 3,396.3 tonnes of gold are some 73.7% of Germany’s national foreign exchange reserves, and are held not only in Germany but at the New York Fed, in London and in Paris. Dumb.

What kind of pressure will the U.S. put on Germany to prevent them from repatriating their gold? The banksters clearly have German Chancellor Merkel in their pocket, but this is unlikely to be influence that is deep into German political leaders. Thus, a run on gold, started by Germany, is not an impossibility.

In this scenario, the noise you would hear is the spike in gold as Bernanke prints more dollars for open market purchases of gold to fill demand for delivery by various central banks. Yikes.


Phi Beta Iota:  Germany is at least a year if not two behind China and Russia.  Furthermore, what is really needed, apart from physical repossession and testing of all gold, is a complete audit of the New York Bank and all — without exception — all gold transferred to others after possession by the New York Bank.  This should not be a political issue — this should be a stake in the heart of the Federal Reserve and central banking.  Community banks and asset-based loans are the near-term solution for all who wish to disconnect from endemic fraud across the US banking system.

Eagle: Occupy’s Springtime Offensive Campaign

300 Million Talons...

Springtime for Occupy: Movement's Plans For Coming Weeks and Months

It's shaping up to be a busy spring for Occupy. The movement born last year in a New York City park has come roaring back to life this week after a period of hibernation. It promises to be even livelier in weeks and months to come.

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All around the U.S., other Occupy actions are in the works.

Read full article with video.

Phi Beta Iota:  Occupy will be strung along and diddled into irrelevance.  They still do not get that the ONLY thing Congress really fears is occupation of their district offices and a demand for the Electoral Reform Act of 2012 with a July General Strike being the alternative.

Eagle: Occupy to Attorney General – Enforce Constitution – Criminal Complaint Filed Against All Members

300 Million Talons...

Forum Post: Tell Eric Holder US Attorney General To Enforce The Constitution Upon Congress – Criminal complaint filed against all members

This is important. Officials need to know that you know and care about congresses violations of oath and constitution by failing to convene an Article V convention.

Contact the AG here to assist in direct defense of the Constitution.

Here are details on the legal complaint against congress to the Attorney General. This is absolutely legitimate and is based in congress having intentionally misinterpreted the constitution regarding citizens first and last right, Article V. This violation of law IS criminal.

Article V is the codification of this part of the Declaration of Independence.

Read rest of article.

Phi Beta Iota:  This is a delusional silly endeavor by Occupy.  They had one chance, from November to the reconvening of Congress in January, to focus on the Electoral Reform Act of 2012, and they blew it.  They got so hung up on kum-ba-ya children's games and allowing single individuals to block coherent consensus that they frittered away a once in a lifetime opportunity to scare Congress into restoring the integrity of the electoral system.  Occupy is not dead but it has been marginalized.

Gary North: Time for Rival Explanations & Solutions + RECAP

Gary North

Salaries: Dim Light, Long Tunnel

by Gary North

Recently by Gary North: C.S. Lewis Warned Against the New World Order

MarketWatch ran an article on the lack of optimism for the American job market. It offered no analysis of why the market is bad, but it made it clear that it is not likely to get better anytime soon.

The article focused on the job market since 2008. It included a chart on salaries since 1980. It has three categories: college graduates, high school dropouts, and total. The chart reveals that there has not been much improvement for a decade. The flat-lining of salaries began a decade ago, not in 2008.

Conclusion: things are a lot worse than the article reported.This flat-lining is not simply a result of the recession of 2008-9. It is a long-term condition.

. . . . . . .[read full article]. . . . . .


Nothing is working. The annual deficits are at $1.3 trillion. There is no sign of relief. The job market is in the pits. The Establishment economists' explanations no longer explain the persistence of the problems. The Keynesians call for more government. Europe is moving into recession. Another war looms in the Middle East. If oil goes to $150 or more after an attack on Iran, the world economy will head back into recession.

The Establishment got us into the mess. It is unable to get us out.

This creates opportunities for rival explanations with rival solutions.

The best explanation is Adam Smith's: too much government. The solution is laissez faire.

The problem is convincing voters, half of which are recipients of government payments.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Brother North is brilliant, right up to where he bleeds to death from the enlightenment fallacy.  He has written a very long article that is very good on the evils of government employment and government entitlements (one third based on borrowing in our name), but falls short in his conclusion that “laissez faire” is the solution.

Continue reading “Gary North: Time for Rival Explanations & Solutions + RECAP”

Josh Kilbourn: Unconstitutional Law – Illegal to Protest

Josh Kilbourn

This is interesting for two reasons: first, the blatant manner in which Congress is now violating the Constitution with impunity and regularity; second, that the World Socialist Web Site is the only source I could find of a full coherent explanation of this matter — the corporate media is silent.

US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest law

By Tom Carter

World Socialist Web Site, 3 March 2012

A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the “anti-Occupy” law, but its implications are far broader.

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Even more sinister is the provision regarding events of “national significance.” What circumstances constitute events of “national significance” is left to the unbridled discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. The occasion for virtually any large protest could be designated by the Department of Homeland Security as an event of “national significance,” making any demonstrations in the vicinity illegal.

Read full article.