Mini-Me: Ron Paul is SCARY — Let’s All Gang Up and SMASH Him So He’s Not a Threat to Our Scam

Who? Mini-Me?

Letter Reveals How Ron Paul Cashed in on Paranoia

Tim Murphy

Mother Jones, 23 December 2011

Even as he's climbed to the top of the polls in Iowa and gone so far as to preemptively claim victory in New Hampshire, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) has spent much of the last week distancing himself from racist and homophobic articles that appeared in his eponymous newsletter in the 1980s and early 1990s. In part, that's because anxious conservatives have decided to make an issue of it—last week, the Weekly Standard dispatched James Kirchik to rehash his original 2008 bombshell on the newsletters. It's also because, as Dave Weigel explains, Paul has failed to put together a coherent response. On Wednesday, Paul walked out of an interview with CNN's Gloria Borger when she pressed him on his role in publishing them.

Click on Image to Enlarge

The story hasn't gone away, and now Reuters has the latest: A newly unearthed subscription pitch circa 1993, this time bearing the signature of Paul himself. It reads like a caricature of the conspiratorial, unhinged, early '90s militia movement, the kind of thing that would make the John Birch Society blush. Written in the first person, it warns of threats from the “demonic fraternity” we know of as Yale's Skull and Bones society, the Trilateral Commission, the “perverted, pagan” rituals at Bohemian Grove, a global government, “the coming race war,” the Council on Foreign Relation, and FEMA. Paul (or his ghostwriter, at least) carefully explains that you can trust his view that the federal government is behind AIDS, because he's a doctor:

Read rest of article.

Phi Beta Iota:  The race war is over the top but real in the sense that Texas anticipated the illegal immigrant waves decades before Arizona, everything else solid including the threat to the public health of federally-mandated vaccinations.  On balance we give Ron Paul an A+ for seeing threats to the Republic decades in advance, a C- for not anticipating that political correctness (from Mother Jones of all places) might try to undermine him at some distant date when most–not all–of his fears have been validated by the passage of time and the exposure of the massive financial crime syndicate that Matt Taibbi, from Rolling Stone, and John Bogle of Vanguard, say is every bit as bad as Ron Paul anticipated.

See Also:

Gary North: Ron Paul EXPOSED — Real Reason Two-Party Tyranny is Terrified He Might Win in 2012

Worth a Look: Open Voting Consortium Video & Website


Phi Beta Iota:  $400 instead of $4000 per unit, off the shelf, not locked into a vendor.  Downside is no write-in or “none of the above.”  Speaker in film: worth noting that US does not meet international standards for a true democracy.  NOTE:  The latest version fully integrates write-in voting and is considered ready to be tested by those who concern themselves with election integrity matters.

Open Voting Consortium

See Also:

Electoral Reform Home Base

Richard Winger: Yes, Congress Can Pass a Law Mandating That All National Party Candidates for Federal Offices Appear on All State Ballots

Richard Winger

Responding to the Question:

Has anyone tried to get Congress to do a law putting all national party candidates on state ballots?

Richard Winger Responds:

Congress only has authority to regulate ballot access for federal elections (Congress and President).  In 9 different sessions of Congress, bills to require easy ballot access for minor party and independent candidates have been introduced, but they only pertain to president and Congress.

First John Conyers (D-Michigan) introduced it.  Then Tim Penny (D-Minnesota) introduced it.  Then Ron Paul introduced it, four times.  In 1998 it got to the House floor as an amendment, but only 67 members of the US House voted for it.

The authority is in Article I, Sec. 4: 

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of Chusing Senators.

Phi Beta Iota: There are four differences from the past when such legislation was introduced but easily blocked by the two-party tyranny:

01 Occupy Congress is now rising. Congress will not be able to stand up to 80% of the population demanding it be responsible.

02 The Internet now makes organized people more effective in shorter time than organized money.

03 The mystique of Congress is gone — everyone now recognizes the two-party tyranny for what it is — one bird, two wings, no difference.

04 The tangible financial crimes of Wall Street enabled by Congress, coming on top of the two elective wars that cost trillions to no good end, has exhausted public tolerance of Congressional corruption.

Theophilis Goodyear: Arrest Warrants & Debtor’s Prison

Theophilis Goodyear

It's not just the US military that is being given the power to lock American citizens up without due process. Many counties and states are being lied to and manipulated into issuing arrest warrants without due process–no notification, no documentation, etcetera.

The following article from the Wall Street Journal describes modern day versions of debtors prison:

Welcome to Debtors' Prison, 2011 Edition

People are being arrested for non-payment of debt as the result of a law suits filed against them by creditors. Often they didn't even know they were being sued. Some were stopped for routine traffic citations, then when a background check was run on them it turned out there was a warrant out for their arrest. Some were arrested at their homes in front of their families.

The Federal Reserve estimates that consumer debt in the U.S is currently about $2.4 trillion. But according to Politico magazine, the combined cost of all the recent financial bailouts could one day reach $23 trillion.

Continue reading “Theophilis Goodyear: Arrest Warrants & Debtor's Prison”

Chuck Spinney: Financial Coups Destroying Europe

Chuck Spinney

The core of neoliberalism is a political-economic theory masquerading as a scientifically pure economic theory.  The central claim is that efficiency and economic growth is the means to maximize individual welfare, and in so doing, neoliberal policies maximize the collective welfare.

In theory, Neoliberalism's key tenets — the supremacy of the market, globalization of capital flows and labour, deregulation, privatization, together with a reduction of government social services — mutually reinforce each other to produce a system of superior moral values by stressing unfettered freedom, fair competition, equality of opportunity, and democracy.

In effect, however, this ideology creates a system of values that subtly discredit the ideas of the public responsibility and popular government in political discourse.  In other words, neoliberalism replaces the nuanced idea of using politics to manage problems in ‘the commons' [1] with the absolutist ideal that unfettered individualism always ensures optimal social outcomes.  This is a prescription for rape, pillage, and loot.

Continue reading “Chuck Spinney: Financial Coups Destroying Europe”