Event: 12-14 Sep Greece European Intelligence & Security Informatics Conference EISIC 2011



Phi Beta Iota: This is one of the very few legitimate international events focusing on Open Source Intelligence with integrity.  Highly recommended. 

Intelligence & Security Informatics Including Open Source Intelligence
Athens, Greece, September 12-14, 2011

http://www.eisic.org, http://www.eisic.eu

Co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society


Call for Participants


Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) research is an interdisciplinary research field involving academic researchers in information technologies, computer science, public policy, bioinformatics, medical informatics, and social and behavior studies as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement and intelligence experts, and information technology industry consultants and practitioners to support counterterrorism and homeland security missions of anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness and response to terrorist acts. The annual IEEE International ISI Conference series (http://www.isiconference.org) was started in 2003.

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Event: 1500 ET 7 June Ben & Jerry on Restoring USA

John Steiner


We hope that you can join us for a

Webinar:  Beyond Citizens United: Returning our Democracy and Constitution to the People with Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (Ben & Jerry's )

Tuesday, June 7th ­ 3pm ET, 2pm CT, 1pm MT, 12pm PT

Join us for presentations and dialogue with: Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (Ben & Jerry's) who will offer a business perspective on Citizens United and challenge the notion that corporations are people with constitutional rights, including limitless financial license to influence our elections.  Hear from national advocates for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, John Bonifaz and Jeff Clements of Free Speech for People, who will present the historical and legal background and rationale for
challenging the fabricated doctrine of corporate rights under the Constitution.  American Sustainable Business Council¹s Executive Director David Levine will give an update on the Campaign. Please share this invitation with business leaders who may be interested.

Cosponsored by A Business for Democracy (http://www.businessfordemocracy.com
<http://www.businessfordemocracy.com>  ) and Free Speech For People
(http://www.freespeechforpeople.org <http://www.freespeechforpeople.org>   )

To sign up for this webinar, please register at:

For more information about the American Sustainable Business Council
http://www.asbcouncil.org <http://www.asbcouncil.org>

Event: Free Online Birth 2012 Barbara Marx Hubbard

Click to See Registration Box

Calling all visionaries, evolutionaries, change leaders and heart-centered humans:

This is your opportunity to give your highest gifts in creating a Planetary Birth Experience that can shift our consciousness and evolve our world.

Join us for this historic event!

You are invited to Activation Day – 21 months in advance of the day many luminaries are declaring as our Planetary Birth Day – the symbolic start of a new era in human evolution.

What if Dec. 21, 2012 marks the passing of one phase of evolution and Dec. 22, 2012 marks “Day One” of the next epoch of evolution – for the next 26,000 years? A time we can collectively set our intentions for a more evolved world?

Phi Beta Iota: Barbara Marx Hubbard was the populist candidate for Vice President at the Democratic convention where Geraldine Ferraro was the official candidate.  Acclaimed from the floor, she has been a virtual leader and spiritual guidepost for decades.

See Also:

Continue reading “Event: Free Online Birth 2012 Barbara Marx Hubbard”

Event: 14 June USA-Wide Acts of Resistance vs Banks


Acts of Resistance: What Are You Going To Do On June 14th to Rebel Against Economic Tyranny?

EXTRACT:  On this Flag Day, June 14th, Operation Empire State Rebellion (#OpESR) will launch. #OpESR is a decentralized non-violent resistance movement to end the system of political bribery (campaign finance and lobbying) and break up the big banks centered at the Federal Reserve.

The big banks have sold us out.
Democrats and Republicans have sold us out.
No one is defending our interests.
Our future is going up in flames.

It’s time for us to stand up and defend ourselves.

Read full manifesto and various action links….

See Also:

Louis D. Brandeis on Banks Against the People

Review: Other People’s Money by Louis Brandeis

Event: 25 May 1:15 DC C/JCS Mike Mullen to Speak

Adm Mike Mullen, USN

Admiral Mullen to Speak at Inaugural Event of the Wilson Center’s Lee Hamilton Lecture Series

What: Special Event: Inaugural Lee Hamilton Lecture
Who: Admiral Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
When: Wednesday, May 25, 1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
Where: Woodrow Wilson Center, 6th Floor Flom Auditorium

See Also:

YouTube: Steele to Scowcroft at WW Center (1:53)

Strategic Narrative Featured at Woodrow Wilson Center led by Hon. Director Jane Harman, watch the video.

Integrity Emergent: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

Press Release Below the Line

Continue reading “Event: 25 May 1:15 DC C/JCS Mike Mullen to Speak”