Stephen E. Arnold: Critical Analysis of Facebook #GoogleGestapo

Defriending Facebook? Harsh Whether it was earnest advice or a public-relations ploy, we’re told Mark Zuckerberg’s recent call for regulation would not actually fix the problems with Facebook. Canada’s CBC News describes “The Case Against Facebook: a ‘Dataopoly’ with Too Much Market Power.” I was interested in reporter Ramona Pringle’s explanation of a “dataopoly;” she …

Steven Aftergood: CRS on Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content (#GoogleGestapo)

Free Speech and the Regulation of Social Media Content Currently, federal law does not offer much recourse for social media users who seek to challenge a social media provider’s decision about whether and how to present a user’s content. Lawsuits predicated on these sites’ decisions to host or remove content have been largely unsuccessful, facing …

Ed Jewett: How the Zionists Created a State of Submissive Anomie with Hollywood, Television, Mass Media, and Now #GoogleGestapo (Social Media Controlled by the Anti-Defamation League)

Barbara Honegger, one of the other 26 people who were brought together to create Memoranda for the President: 9/11 Truth, attended a Reagan-era Cabinet meeting at which CIA Director William Casey said ”We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.

Stephen E. Arnold: Google’s Discrimination Algorithms… PBI: #GoogleGestapo NEEDS a Massive Class Action Lawsuit!

Google and Anti Disinformation Lest anyone wonder what, exactly, Google is doing to fight disinformation on its platforms, the company has compiled that information in a white paper presented at the recent Munich Security Conference. Techspot tells us, “Google Presents Its Anti-Fake News System in Detail.” Reporter Greg Synek gives us the highlights; we learn:

Robert Steele: Is Pierre Omidyar #GoogleGestapo 2.0 with Zionist Agenda, Still Neo-Liberal and Anti-Trump?

Pierre Omidyar’s Influence Empire MintPress 18 Feb – by Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal Part I:  How One of America’s Premier Data Monarchs is Funding a Global Information War and Shaping the Media Landscape (18 February 2019) Through his purchase of influence over the daily flow of information to American media consumers, a dizzying array of …

Rebecca Campbell: #GoogleGestapo – Tracebook or Facebook, Tool for Globalist Deep State and Fake News

Government to Facebook Pipeline Reveals a Corrupt Mix of Social Media and the State As the Free Thought Project has previously reported, the phrase “Facebook is a private company” is not accurate as they have formed a partnership with an insidious neoconservative “think tank” known as the Atlantic Council which is directly funded and made up of …