Stephen E. Arnold: The IT Productivity Myth

Productivity and Information Technology: A Myth? According to the IT Pro Portal article, “Workers Aren’t Convinced IT Departments Are Making Them More Productive” United Kingdom workers believe that their IT departments are not the centers of productivity (the title says it all).

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook Circles of Hell Tipping Point

According to Information (no, that’s the name of an online publication), quite a bit. “Facebook Secret Research Warned of ‘Tipping Point’ Threat to Core App” discloses allegedly confidential information that doom approaches with a Like icon. (We will take a look at secrets let loose in our August 6, 2019, “DarkCyber” video program.) To simplify, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Blocking Google & Complete List of Alternatives to Each of Google’s Many Services

Targeting 101: Disabling Google and Finding Software Alternatives I read “Completely Block Google and Its Services.” If you are concerned about Google’s data policies, you may want to read the article and follow the instructions in the pihole-google.txt file. It appears that there are more than 7,000 services which Google uses to obtain one’s personal …

Stephen E. Arnold: Digital Ocean Will Shut You Down Without Warning Based on Flawed Automatic Monitoring Programmed by Morons Lacking Adult Override

Editorial Note: Robert Steele wrote the PBI title. Frisky Language Aside: An Important Cloud Message I don’t know much about Digital Ocean, droplets, Checkly, Raisup, “”or the other Fancy Dan technologies mentioned in the write up. I usually ignore articles with unpleasant language. I worked through this write up because in Myrtle Beach at the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Amazon the New NSA Post-Google Mass Surveillance Empire?

AT&T: Amazon Telephone & Telegraph The Bell heads are dazed with the ringing in their ears. The “real” news out Thomson Reuters published “Amazon Interested in Buying Boost from T-Mobile, Sprint.” Amazon’s chief bulldozer driver Jeff Bezos has a sixth sense for creating buzz, generating distraction, and whipping stakeholders into a frenzy of upside. According …