Robert Steele: Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan

Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan Why Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel Need to THINK….now. Robert David STEELE Vivas OpEdNews, 27 July 2014 DOC (21 Pages): Steele Rebuilding National Intelligence 1.9 SHORT URL: As we begin the final two and a half years (less seven days) of the Obama-Biden …

Berto Jongman: Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses

Sandy Hook’s Disappearing Witnesses Tony Mead Activist Post Close to nineteen months have passed since the event known as the Sandy Hook Massacre transpired. Amazingly, there has still been no conclusive evidence put forth by any of the families affected or the investigators involved to dispel the many ‘conspiracy theories’ that have evolved from the …

2014 INTERVIEW: Thoughts on Open Source Intelligence

Out of Band: Robert David Steele on OSINT Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas sent questions, here are my answers. Hal Burghel: Tell us about open source generally and open source intelligence specifically. Robert David Steele: It’s vital to remember that the whole point of connectivity is to move and make sense of content, …

Chuck Spinney: Wallerstein on China-Russia Grand Strategy

The self-referencing chattering class is up in arms about the $400 billion Russia-China gas deal, seeing it and the associated Russia-China alliance as a threat to the grand strategic ambitions of the United States to remain, in the words of President Obama at West Point, the world’s “indispensable”* power.  Taking place against the immediate backdrop of the prevailing US narrative** …

SchwartzReport: No One Trusts Washington on Climate Change – Loss of Legitimacy is EXPENSIVE

The ongoing disinformation campaign financed by carbon interests such as the Koch brothers, combined with the corruption of every branch of our government, has left us in this condition. No One Trusts Washington on Climate Change CHRISTOPHER CALDWELL, Senior Editor – Financial Times (U.K.) In the age of the Iraq war and Obamacare, the government …

Berto Jongman: MI5 Central to Protection of Britain’s Greatest Known Pedophile – 40 Years of Government Corruption on Top of Extensive Child Abuse

Monstrous cover-up: How the Liberal party, police and MI5 concealed MP Cyril Smith’s industrial-scale child abuse For four decades, 29st politician was free to prey on vulnerable children as young as eight Police received at least 144 complaints from victims yet authorities blocked any prosecution New book serialised in Daily Mail details how Smith – …

Berto Jongman: John Whitehead Reviews the the US Budget and What It Says About America and Americans

Why Are Americans Paying to be Searched, Spied On, Shot At, and Robbed Blind by the Government [and the Oligarchs Behind the Government]? John Whitehead OpEdNews, 7 April 2014 The State Department wants $400,000 to purchase a fiberglass sculpture of a camel looking at a needle for its new embassy in Pakistan. They’ve already spent …