J C. Cole: Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires

Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires Above is an excellent interview with a Dr of Quantum Physics. She spells out clearly the 6th extinction and how it is being done. I suggest you take a listen. The solution, Regeneration International. Local control of healthy food production and seed saving, seed freedom, …

Martin Geddes: How the Bidan (Sic) Show is Saving America . . .

How “The Bidan (sic) Show” is saving America (and the world) This article is not intended for dangerous morons. If you are a dangerous moron who believes that colour revolutions and communist insurrections cannot be attempted in America, please stop reading now. This article will only distress and annoy you, and that would be unkind …

Matt Ehret: China versus the Deep State (UK / Five Eyes)

China’s Global Times Decries the White Supremacist Five Eyes Surveillance State Although it sometimes took the early removal of nationalist political leaders from power, via intrigue, coups or assassination, the 20th century was shaped in large measure by the cancerous growth of this British-directed network that sought to undo the republican concept that progress and cooperation …

Eric Zuesse: Catholic Sexual Pathologies and War Against Women

The basic message in my CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS was the opening sentence of the Introduction, on page 25: “Methodology is even more important than findings, because it determines the findings.” Everybody ignores it. But any authentic scientist, in any field, practices it constantly in that field. I practice it in everything that I write about. To …