Howard Rheingold: Introduction to No Limits Mind Mapping

TheBrain :: Introduction to No Limits Mind Mapping I’ve used The Brain myself and have played a number of these webinars. It takes some commitment, but it’s really an infotention tool far more than just a mind-mapping tool.  –Howard “Your Brain lets you make unlimited connections and instantly find any idea or file. This seminar …

Howard Rheingold: Collaborative Information Filters

Learning Collaborative Information Filters (PDF) Automating filtering via machine learning is an up-and-coming research category for infotention — Howard ” “Predicting items a user would like on the basis of other users’ ratings for these items has become a well-established strategy adopted by many recommendation services on the Internet. Although this can be seen as …

Howard Rheingold: Jumpstarting the School of Knowledge

“The School of Data is led by the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) and Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU). The School will provide online training for data ‘wrangling’ skills – the ability to find, retrieve, clean, manipulate, analyze, and represent different types of data.” The School of Data is a collaborative and community-orientated project, and we …