Mongoose: Alain Soral Framed by Deep State and Zionists — Anti-Semitic “Trick” Used to Jail Critic of Grand Theft

Anti-capitalism as the new Antisemitism? Alain Soral faces two years in prison for criticizing Capitalists Phi Beta Iota: This particular extremist has a track record and has demonstrated that he is a slow learner.  What jumps out however is the degree to which judges are controlled and facts can be “interpreted” to arrive at conclusions …

Robert Steele: Jews, Led by Adelsons, Break with the Invented Criminal Genocidal Apartheid State of Israel

This day has been a long time in coming but was anticipated by Henry Kissinger, among others. The time to “uninvent” the invented state of Israel, the criminal, genocidal, apartheid state of Israel, has arrived. As President Donald Trump carefully examines the details of the Mossad-CIA-FBI Maxwell-Epstein pedophilia and murderous pedophilia and Satanic Ritual Abuse …

Review: Against Our Better Judgment – The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel by Alison Weir

6 Stars — Long-Repressed Truths That Support the Termination of the State of Israel and Restoration of Palestine to the Palestinians. Review by Robert David Steele This book consists of 93 pages of text and 108 pages containing 373 endnotes, plus an additional 24 pages of bibliography. It is a rigorously documented indictment of President …

Gordon Duff: Is Epstein “Murder” Connected to Bill Richardson Nuclear Thefts and AIPAC Spy Ring?

Was Jeffrey Epstein Murdered Over Nuclear Thefts? One day after Jeffrey Epstein was tied to scandal ridden Clinton Energy Secretary, Bill Richardson, in a sex and Mossad blackmail scandal, Epstein is dead.  Our sources say Richardson was under investigation for a far wider range of security issues, including a role in facilitating the theft of …