Michel Bauwens: Social Collaboration Platforms for Local to Global Enterprises

Why open social collaboration platforms will disrupt the enterprise market in 2013 and beyond – Brian Solis Guest post by Sarah Evans (PRsarahevans), chief evangelist, Tracky, social correspondent at Sarah’s Faves and author of [RE]FRAME: Little Inspirations For A Larger Purpose The majority of businesses aren’t run efficiently and employees lack the tools and equipment …

Michel Bauwens: The Materially Finite Global Economy Metered in a Unified Physical Currency

Book Chapter, 31 Pages, Open Access, Read Online or Download as PDF Summary:  financial measures created by bankers and governments are lies writ large — they are totally isolated from the physical reality of the biosphere, and utterly corrupt — therefore they are part of the problem, not part of the solution.  The author proposes …

Michel Bauwens: David Bollier on Power-Curve Society — Free Online

POWER-CURVE SOCIETY: The Future of Innovation, Opportunity and Social Equity in the Emerging Networked Economy Power-Curve Society, written by David Bollier, examines how technological innovation is restructuring productivity and the social and economic impact resulting from these changes. It addresses the growing concern about the technological displacement of jobs, stagnant middle class income, and wealth …

Michel Bauwens: The Inevitable Localization of Globalization

Essay of the Day: Why Localization is Inevitable in a Resource-Scarce World * Article: The New Geography of Trade: Globalization’s Decline May Stimulate Local Recovery. By Fred Curtis, David Ehrenfeld. Solutions Journal, Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Page 35-40 | Jan 2012 Introductory Citation “It is an article of faith that global trade will …