Michel Bauwens: Internet Defense League

Movement of the Day: Internet Defense League Franco Iacomella, 26th June 2012 “Alexis Ohanian, the 29-year old founder of social news site Reddit, has partnered with the online advocacy group Fight for the Future to create what they’re calling the “Internet Defense League.” Ohanian describes the project, which they plan to officially launch next month, …

Michel Bauwens: Abandoning Checks & Balances

Question authority! ‘We are abandoning all the checks and balances’ WASHINGTON – Evgeny Morozov is a Belarus-born technology writer who has held positions at Stanford and Georgetown universities in the United States. His first book, The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom, argued that “Western do-gooders may have missed how [the Internet] … …

Michel Bauwens: Applying Sharing Economy to Education — Comment from Robert Steele and 21st Century Education RECAP

How We’re Applying the Sharing Economy to Education By Andrew Grauer A sustainable economy requires that both the supply and demand sides benefit from a transaction. In education, we see so many inefficiencies between those supplying the knowledge and those consuming it. Teachers feel like they’re being underpaid and students feel like they are overpaying …

Michel Bauwens: Citizens Engaged in Participatory Democracy

Citizens engaged in participatory democracy (05 March 2013) – A Flash Eurobarometer measuring citizens’ engagement shows that Europeans trust civil society organisations to influence policies and make a difference in the life of their communities. While Europe faces economic and social challenges, EU citizens continue to involve themselves in participatory democracy activities, including signing petitions …

Michel Bauwens: Value from Nothing — The Sharing Economy

Value from nothing – the sharing economy Patrick Doherty Flip the Media, 9 March 2013 AirBnb,  etsy and Relay Rides are the current poster children of the sharing economy. If you don’t know what that is, it’s also called collaborative consumption or peer-to-peer selling. In other words, just fancy names for one person selling or renting …

Michel Bauwens: The Structural Communality of the Commons

The Structural Communality of the Commons Thus, commons structurally generate responsibility on the part of their participants for preserving the resource and the collective relationships, while markets generally do not. Commoners are in charge of shaping the social relationships involved; therefore, they can take responsibility for their actions. However, this also entails their responsibility to …