Michel Bauwens: DIY Currencies for DIY Communities

Trend 7: DIY Currencies For DIY Communities”>DIY Currencies For DIY Communities The economic downturn of recent years has led to a decline in confidence in the financial markets. The renewed focus on local communities, ‘DIY’ and alternative ways of city-making go hand-in-hand with the rise of the peer-to-peer economy. Increasing numbers of people start to …

Michel Bauwens: Recommended Reading – Cypherpunks on Freedom and the Future of the Internet

Book of the Day: Cypherpunks on Freedom and the Future of the Internet Excerpted from a review by Cryptome: “This is a highly informative book, perhaps the best published on the substance of WikiLeaks, its technology, philosophy, origin and purpose, rooted in the Cypherpunks resistance to authority through encryption and anonymizing technology. The trenchant and …

Michel Bauwens: Aaron Swartz’s Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto

Aaron Swartz’s Guerilla Open Access Manifesto Written by Aaron Swartz, July 2008, Eremo, Italy “Information is power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for themselves. The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful …

Michel Bauwens: Cloud Computing as Virtual Prison

Cloud Computing as Enclosure 15th January 2013 Republished from David Bollier: “As more and more computing moves off our PCs and into “the Cloud,” Internet users are gaining access to a wealth of new software-based services that can exploit vast computing capacity and memory storage. That’s wonderful. But what about our freedom to create and …

Michel Bauwens: Economic Value of Nature – Priceless — AND Irreplacable

Why the economy needs nature Nature is not a drag on growth – its protection is an unavoidable prerequisite for sustaining economic development Tony Juniper The Guardian, 9 January 2013 One of the greatest misconceptions of our time is the idea that there is somehow a choice between economic development and sustaining nature. The narrative …

Michel Bauwens: Crowdsourcing Economic Recovery

Crowdsourcing our economic recovery Van Jones CNN, 8 January 2012 Editor’s note: Van Jones, a CNN contributor, is president and founder of Rebuild the Dream, an online platform focusingon policy, economics and media. He was President Obama’s green jobs adviser in 2009. He is also founder of Green for All, a national organization working to …

Michel Bauwens: Peer-to-Peer “Must Read” Essays

PART I: Full List (27 Essays) 1 Paul S. Adler and Charles Heckscher: Towards Collaborative Community 2 Ernesto Arias (et al.) on Transcending the Individual Human Mind through Collaborative Design 3 Adam Arvidsson on the Crisis of Value and the Ethical Economy 4 Yaneer Bar-Yam on Complexity, Hierarchy, and Networks 5 Richard Barbrook on the …