Network Learning to Team/Autonomous Learning

Harold Jarche » Network Learning: Working Smarter At its core, network learning is a way to deal with an ever-increasing amount of digital information. It requires an open attitude toward learning and finding new things. Each worker needs to develop individualized processes of filing, classifying and annotating information for later retrieval. Source: Network Learning: …

Reference: Internet Censorship Circumvention

Global Voices Blog Critique from Jacob Appelbaum: My motivation for writing this response is to inform readers of the serious concerns that many people, myself included, have about the recent Freedom House report. I am always pleased to see more analysis of censorship circumvention and Internet security tools, but I have concerns about this report’s …

Reference: Internet Freedom–and Control

Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media Freedom House 30 March 2009 As internet and mobile phone use explodes worldwide, governments are adopting new and multiple means for controlling these technologies that go far beyond technical filtering. Freedom on the Net provides a comprehensive look at these emerging tactics, raising …