SPECIAL: The Death of Clandestine HUMINT in the Digital Age

ROBERT STEELE: Afer nine years as a spy including three back-to-back tours overseas with five times the regional recruiting and production record, in 1988 I conceptualized the modern discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). In 1993 Alvin Toffler built a chapter around me, “The Future of the Spy” and called me “the rival store” but …

Robert Steele: Columbia Journalism Review Guide to OSINT (1% of It)

A Guide to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Michael Edison Hayden Columbia Journalism Review Introduction | One: The Difference between Open and Closed Networks | Two: Searching the Open Web | Three: Verifying the Authenticity of Social Media Accounts | Four: Verifying Images and Videos | Five: Exploring Fringe Websites | Six: Using Archives, Saving Your …

Robert Steele: Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela UPDATE 1

La plus grande défaite de la CIA depuis des décennies The greatest defeat of CIA in two decades Valentin Vasilescu ReseauInternational.net It is only now that the Americans have learned that all the opposition groups of the Caracas regime have been infiltrated by agents of the SEIN counterintelligence. Full translation, comment, and GRU video below …

SPECIAL: Robert Steele – Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar is Correct — and Both She and Senator Graham Should be Protected.

While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways than anyone can count, has put Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HRAC) this is a stroke of genius and exactly the right thing to do. This is an opening for …