Berto Jongman: Scientists Allege Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD

Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?: Scientists Allege Are bio weapons being tested on Africans. Reports have linked the Ebola virus outbreak to an attempt to reduce Africa’s population. Liberia happens to be the continents’ fastest growing population. FULL TEXT BELOW THE FOLD Tekmira / DoD Ebola Clinical Trial Summary Also Below in Full …

SchwartzReport: A Single Breakthrough That Could Cut Costs on Solar Energy by 25%

A Single Breakthrough That Could Cut Costs on Solar Energy by 25% Costs on solar are coming down steeply, and now they’re about to get even cheaper. A group of chemists at Ohio State University has invented a solar panel that stores energy without an external battery. The self-contained tuner/capacitor panels are already being licensed …

Berto Jongman: Internet Service Providers Over Five Years Out of Date on Routers, Time to Go Directly to Dark Fiber and Open Spectrum

Is the internet ‘full’ and going to shut down? Reports state that that the internet is running out of space – but is this really a problem, and do we have to worry about it? Reports this week have claimed that the internet is in danger of becoming “full” because the number of internet connections …