J C. Cole: Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires

Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates’ Empires Above is an excellent interview with a Dr of Quantum Physics. She spells out clearly the 6th extinction and how it is being done. I suggest you take a listen. The solution, Regeneration International. Local control of healthy food production and seed saving, seed freedom, …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Videos with Text Summaries

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/Cabal-Cosmic-2 General Overview The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal documentary is as mind-blowing as the original!  It traces the origins of the Cabal/Illuminati to ancient times and reveals their identity.  It discusses their role in historical events throughout the ages and exposes their plan for world domination.  Fasten your seatbelts, and …

Mongoose: Banks & Boards Legally Vulnerable At Last?

Devastating Lawsuit Targets Bank of America, Credit Suisse, and Bayer Board Members and Executives Over Disastrous Monsanto Acquisition Phi Beta Iota: A new era of civil and criminal forfeiture and  very rapid out of court settlement by individuals who know they can be put to death has begun.

Robert Steele: Solar Minimum, Food Crisis, Failure of Intelligence

Professor Valentina Zharkova: “We Entered the ‘Modern’ Grand Solar Minimum on June 8, 2020” Zharkova’s latest analysis suggests that a repeat of a Maunder Minimum-style spell of global cooling will run through solar cycles 25–27 (2020–2053). ROBERT STEELE: This is very important because in combination with all the other depradations against our food supply we …