Zero Hedge: Brennan’s Spy? New Theories Emerge About Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower

As Democrats seek to impeach President Trump over the “high crime” of asking Ukraine to investigate his political opponents, theories have emerged suggesting the whole thing is a ‘six ways from Sunday‘ operation by Intelligence Community holdovers and Establishment Democrats to remove a sitting President who started flying too close to the sun. First, let’s …

Zero Hedge: Time to Dismantle the Pentagon and Terminate the Military-Industrial Complex?

Empire & Interventionism Versus Republic & Noninterventionism Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation, The chaos arising from U.S. interventionism in Syria provides an excellent opportunity to explore the interventionist mind. The results of U.S. imperialism and interventionism have always been perverse, not only for foreigners but also for Americans. That’s how …

Zero Hedge: Germany Admits Open Borders Created National Security Crisis

Merkel Admits German Multiculturalism Has “Utterly Failed” Merkel told an audience of young members of her Christian Democrats (CDU) that allowing people of differing cultural backgrounds to live side by side without such integration was a huge mistake, according to Reuters, which notes that approximately four million Muslims live in the country. “This (multicultural) approach has failed, utterly …

Zero Hedge: IRS Audits Poor Because It’s Cheaper, Auditing Rich Too Hard

IRS Admits Targeting The Poor Because It’s “Easier And Cheaper” Than Auditing The Wealthy The IRS has announced that it’s “too expensive” to audit the rich. Affluent taxpayers, the 1%, are too well protected from government intrusion. Their tax returns are complex and take more time and more experienced auditors to review them. The IRS then has …

Zero Hedge: CNN Exposed With Hidden Cameras

Veritas Strikes Again: Exposes CNN’s ‘Anti-Trump Crusade’, Zucker’s ‘Personal Vendetta’ Against Trump Undercover whistleblower organization Project Veritas has done it again – after CNN insider Cary Poarch secretly recorded his colleagues. Poarch reveals CEO Jeff Zucker’s “personal vendetta” against President Trump, including orders to focus on impeachment, as well as a mandate that employees cut ties to Republican lawmakers, including Lindsey …