Zero Hedge: American’s New Six Part Political and Cultural Landscape

Understanding America’s Cultural And Political Realignment Authored by Richard Tafel via, Understanding American politics has become increasingly confusing as the old party labels have lost much of their meaning. A simplistic Left vs. Right worldview no longer captures the complexity of what’s going on. As the authors of the October 2017 “Pew Survey of …

Zero Hedge: Biden Billion Dollar China Corruption

“They Call That A Payoff”: Trump Says China Should Investigate Bidens Over ‘Billions’ Taken Out Of Country To recap, journalist Peter Schweizer claims that in 2013 then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter flew to China together on Air Force Two. Two weeks later, Hunter’s investment firm inked a $1.5 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary …

Zero Hedge: Macron Announces End of the West

Note: Zero Hedge offers improved formatting and graphics over originals, and is also where we noticed the original, hence why we point to Zero Hedge version rather than the original, which is always credited. Authored by The Saker, President Macron’s Amazing Admission

Zero Hedge: Will McCabe Bring the FBI Down With Him? Will McCabe’s Indictment and the DoJ Memo Exonerate Mike Flynn?

Will McCabe Bring The FBI Down With Him? Authored by Daniel John Sobieski via The American Thinker blog, The DoJ’s rejection of a last-ditch appeal by the legal team representing fired FBI Director Andrew McCabe and the recommendation by federal prosecutors that charges actually be filed against the documented liar, leaker, and co-conspirator in the attempted coup …

Zero Hedge: James Kunstler on the Framing of General Michael Flynn by John Brennan and then James Comey – Could Indictments Against Brennan, McCabe and Comey Be Looming?

Kunstler Exposes “Tectonic Rumblings” In America’s Political Memory Hole My own heuristic analysis is that rival Intel chief, John Brennan of the CIA, enlisted British Intel “asset” (i.e., agent) Joseph Mifsud to sandbag General Flynn in order to put him out of business and shove him offstage. After Mr. Trump won the 2016 election, he …