Search: definition of osint

The existing US definitions of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) are severely deficient at multiple levels.  See the official definitions below the line.  Here is a proper definition devised with Joe Markowitz and others who actually know something about the discipline. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is decision-support (an output not an input) that integrates open sources …

Articles & Chapters Directory (List)

Includes print interviews & testimony. Updated 11 November 2015. Short URL: 2015 OpenDemocracy: Robert Steele, American Intelligence and National Defense 2.0 CounterPunch: Robert Steele on Counter-Coup – How Trump Can Win By Restoring Integrity to the Electoral Process and the US Government Robert Steele: Fast Tracking Extreme Democracy and Open Source Everything – A …

Briefings & Lectures Directory (List)

Includes audio-visual interviews & testimony. Secret intelligence is ten percent of all-source intelligence; all-source intelligence is ten percent of Information Operations (IO).  IO is the foundation for Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2), which in turn makes it possible to create a world that works for all. Updated 19 June 2015. Short URL …

DefDog: US Army Blows Intelligence Computing (Again)…

I suppose a lack of integrity makes it impossible to learn…. US Army’s $2.7bn Intel-sharing computer still not up-to-speed at work Afghanistan Sun Saturday 9th July, 2011 (ANI) The Distributed Common Ground System, the US Army’s 2.7 billion dollars computing system that was designed to share intelligence with troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, has …