Robert Steele: Snap-Shot of the Zionist Attack Machine — Six Ways, 90 Days

Ever since Cynthia McKinney and I posted the bumper stick below the fold, we have been under attack. I list the six ways in which we have been attacked — the latest being Kasperky labeling us an “XXX” site, most probably because Kaspersky, like YouTube, is too lazy to vet false reports, especially when they …

Robert Steele: Las Vegas Massacre – A Hybrid False Flag, Treason, or an Act of War?

NOTE: In light of Steve Pieczenik’s accusation that Donald Trump personally approved this false flag, I feel compelled to say that I don’t think he did;  now is the time to take down the Deep State. Las Vegas, horrible as it was, is a chance to reboot America. Las Vegas Massacre: A Hybrid False-Flag, Treason, …