SchwartzReport: Naomi Klein on Predatory Capitalism, Holistic Earth & Human Centric Economics

I am beginning to detect a growing trend towards changing the capitalist economic model from one in which profit is the only priority to one in which wellness is the priority, and profit must be made within that paradigm. SPIEGEL Interview with Naomi Klein: ‘The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming’ Phi Beta Iota: …

Mongoose: Peter Mattis on 4 Flawed US Intelligence Assumptions

Provocative. 4 U.S. Intelligence Assumptions That Need to Go Peter Mattis, The National Interest The flaws in this intelligence-reform mentality are four-fold—and each plays a role in how proposals like Brennan’s reported reforms are generated and discussed, as well as past reforms such as creating the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. First, many …