Mongoose: Trump Wanna-Be Assassin Trained with Howell & Mateen; 100 Others Including Snipers Trained at Covert Camp in Virginia

Kudos to Anonymous who sent this along, and a five-star salute to GetOffTheBS and Attorney/Investigative Journalist Brenda Corpian, for breaking this story that connects the wanna-be assassin of Donald Trump with Mateen and Howell. In the fine print, note that Howell says there were eight groups or over 100 people being trained in the same …

Jon Rappoport: Cartels of the Mind – the Official Narratives Unravel…

Cartels of the Mind: a movie that never was “Dominoes of the collective begin to fall. The whole rotting structure begins to collapse, a wing here and a wing there, and the robots open their eyes and turn off their cameras.” If you can’t see the background of a crime, you aren’t seeing the crime, you’re …

Joachim Hagopian: Neocon Hegelian-Style Warfare against Islam, Russia, China and Iran in a Post-9/11 World

Neocon Hegelian-style warfare against Islam, Russia, China and Iran in a post-9/11 world Joachim Hagopian, Tue, 14 Jun 2016 In my latest article I examine the destructive US foreign policy through the Hegelian Dialectic lens where the puppet masters and their neocon Pinocchio-nosed neocons have declared war on Islam, Russia, China and Iran. The …

Faded Rose: Hillary Clinton Approved Sarin for Rebels to Frame Asad — She Works for the Saudis — Trump Gets More Ammunition…

Top Journalist Says Hillary Approved Sending Sarin to Rebels Used to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War World renowned journalist Seymour Hersh has revealed, in a series of interviews and books, that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse …

Bryan Dean Wright: CIA’s Problem – Subpar Spies

The CIA’s Problem: Subpar Spies Bryan Dean Wright, Fox Business, April 01, 2016 One year ago, CIA Director John Brennan announced sweeping changes at Langley, promising to reorganize the spy service by instituting a slew of bureaucratic fixes to its management structure. Then on Thursday, the CIA acknowledged that it left explosive training material on …

James Cox: Saudi Connection in Belgium Attacks

The Saudi Connection In The Belgium Attacks Wahhabism needs to be recognized as a malignant ideology and defeated. EXTRACT A thorough investigation into these questions will ultimately find that Saudi-Wahhabi fingerprints cloak the Brussels crime scene, further exposing the real problem facing the international community when it comes to combating terrorism.