Mini-Me: REPLAY Future of the USA in 3 Parts

Huh? The future of the USA – 2012-2016: An insolvent and ungovernable United States (first part) Thus, according to LEAP/E2020, the 2012 election year, which opens against the backdrop of economic and social depression, complete paralysis of the federal system (3), strong rejection of the traditional two-party system and a growing questioning of the relevance …

Michel Bauwens: P2P State Approaches – The Partner State

Category:P2P State Approaches Introduction Michel Bauwens: The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory Tommaso Fattori: The Public – Commons Partnership and the Commonification of that which is Public. Towards a Legal Framework for the Commons …

Yoda: Public Interest Design – Isn’t That What Governments Do?

Must-See Public Interest Design Tim Brown, October 9, 2012 A show curated by John Cary of Public Interest Design has just opened in San Francisco at the Autodesk Gallery. It is a must if you are interested in design and the social sector. The exhibit features many of the organizations that contributed to the design labs at …

Jim Spoher: IBM’s Version of M4IS2 Centered on Universities

Dr. Jim Spoher (born c. 1956) is a computer scientist leading the development of a new science of service systems, often known as Service Science, Management and Engineering.  He has been the Director of IBM Global University Programs since 2009. Between 2003 and 2009, he was the Director of Almaden Services Research with IBM at …

Tim O’Reilly: Towards a Global Brain (YouTube 20:20)

[SDF2012] Coexistence 2.0: Towards a Global Brain – Tim O’Reilly Founder and CEO of O’Reilly Media Tim O’Reilly, who has been a key influencer of web 2.0 movements, sketches what ‘coexistence 2.0′ would entail. 웹2.0 운동의 선봉장이자 오라일리 미디어의 창립자 겸 CEO인 팀 오라일리가 ‘공존 2.0′ 이란 과연 무엇이며, 기술, 인간, 기업, 자연이 조화롭게 함께하는 …