Yoda: Police Murder Lt Chris Dorner, USNR(Sep)

Dark, the force is. Murder, this is. How We Kill:Christopher Dorner and the “Burner” by PETER LEE CounterPunch, Weekend Edition February 15-17, 2013 The tactics employed against Christopher Dorner by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department are attracting an awkward amount of interest since an audiotape surfaced with law enforcement officials referring to a munition as …

Yoda: BIll Moyers & Others US Internet Access Slow, Costly, Unfair

Dark, the Force is, in Washington DC. Bill Moyers: Why U.S. Internet Access is Slow, Costly and Unfair >Americans are getting bilked for second class internet access. BILL MOYERS: You’ve heard me before quote one of my mentors who told his students that “news is what people want to keep hidden; everything else is publicity.” …

Yoda: US Diplomatic-Commercial Internet Initiative — Affordable Good, Proprietary Bad

Half-full, glass is. Hillary Clinton Helps Silicon Valley on Her Way Out the Door Elizabeth Dwoskin BloombergBusinessWeek, 4 February 2013 Taking the podium in the State Department’s Ben Franklin Room one last time on Thursday before stepping down, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked lots of people, offered reminiscences, and announced a flurry of last-minute …

Yoda: Volunteerism in Russia

Government bad, , volunteers good? In Russia, volunteers step up By Will Englund and Kathy Lally, Published: February 2 ITOMLYA, Russia – A country doctor, a tiny, dilapidated village hospital, an indifferent health bureaucracy — and now, coming to the rescue, volunteers from distant Moscow, bringing furniture, equipment, money and, maybe most important, good cheer.In the …

Yoda: Organization of American States Dead? Chile Playing Both Sides Cuba to Lead the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC)?

Spanish, Force Speaks.  English Not. CELAC Rising: The Monroe Doctrine Turned on Its Head? Last Monday, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (CELAC) met for its second summit in Santiago, Chile, one year after its founding meeting in Caracas, Venezuela in 2011.  The Summit is the culmination of roughly a decade of efforts …