Journal: Well-Intentioned Idiocy Abounds….

Headlines Only: Not Just Drones: Militants Can Snoop on Most U.S. Warplanes (Updated) Spytech Agency Wants Software Brains to Connect the Dots Training For The Civilian Surge TSA Cannot Order Sites to Take Down Sensitive Manual Headlines and Snippets Below the Fold with Phi Beta Iota Comment

Journal: Surveillance State Expands

Amidst reports that the Department of Homeland Security is adding 30,000 positions, below are two items on the continued expansion of the surveillance state. Sprint Provided 8 Million Reports on Customers to Law Enforcement Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers EFF sues feds for info on social-network surveillance

Journal: Afghanistan Myths & Triumph Foresaken

November 9, 2009 Afghan Mythologies by Victor Davis Hanson As President Obama decides whether to send more troops to Afsghanistan, we should remember that most of the conventional pessimism about Afghanistan is only half-truth. Remember the mantra that the region is the “graveyard of empires,” where Alexander the Great, the British in the 19th century, …