Michel Bauwens: Marcin Jakubowski on The Open Source Economy

  Marcin Jakubowski – The Open Source Economy The Open Source Ecology – 50 Do It Yourself Tools for Civilization focused on 12 people, 2 hours a day living very well. Ethical open production yields a 50 times cost reduction over any given lifetime. Published on Oct 31, 2012 by MarionInstituteTV http://www.connectingforchange.org  Connecting for Change: …

Tom Atlee: The Shift NOT Made by Obama – From Two to Many

Post-election: A collective shift from divided to wise Dear friends, President Obama said in his 2012 victory speech that “we are not as divided as our politics suggests”.  He also argued that we are more united than our politics makes us think we are.  Finally, he hinted that we are more diverse than our politics …

GI Wilson: American Thinker on US Arms Smuggling into Syria as Root of Benghazi Attack + Libya / Syria / Video Meta-RECAP

Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance By James Lewis American Thinker, November 1, 2012 The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear.  Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.  Smuggling arms to the so-called “Free …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Supporter Issue 55

Free Software Supporter Issue 55, October 2012 Welcome to the Free Software Supporter, the Free Software Foundation’s monthly news digest and action update — being read by you and 63,183 other activists. That’s 1,414 more than last month! View this issue online here: http://www.fsf.org/free-software-supporter/2012/october El Free Software Supporter estará disponible en castellano a partir de …

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has …

Eagle: Green Party Presidential Nominee Hand-Cuffed and Detained for Eight Hours After Seeking to Enter Two-Party Presidential Debate

Green Party Candidates Arrested, Shackled to Chairs For 8 Hours After Trying to Enter Hofstra Debate Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala were arrested Tuesday as they attempted to enter the grounds of the presidential debate site at Hofstra University. Like other third-party candidates, Stein was blocked from participating in …