Review: Empowering Public Wisdom – A Practical Vision of Citizen-Led Politics

Tom Atlee 5.0 out of 5 stars The Real Tom Paine of Our Generation,October 10, 2012 I first met Tom when I sought him out after discovering his first book The Tao of Democracy: Using co-intelligence to create a world that works for all and invited him to speak to an international gathering of information …

Steven Aftergood: DSB Concludes Violent Behavior Cannot be Reliably Predicted – Does Not Address Larger Issue of Extreme Cognitive Dissonance Inspiring Suicides and Random Violence

VIOLENT BEHAVIOR CANNOT BE RELIABLY PREDICTED, PANEL SAYS The outbreak of violence by individuals who seek to harm other persons or institutions cannot be reliably predicted today, the Defense Science Board said in a new report to the Secretary of Defense.  Instead, efforts to counter violence should focus on prevention and mitigation of the threat. …

Mini-Me: One Million Strike in Indonesia – For Labor, Not Religion

Huh? Indonesia: One million on strike Ted Sprague Militan Indonesia, Tuesday, 09 October 2012 Amazing! There is no other word that can describe the situation on October 3. Workers all over Indonesia went on strike and took to the streets. This first national general strike in half a century truly raises expectations and hopes that …

Review: Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War

Michel Chossudovsky 4.0 out of 5 stars Five for Detail, Three for Bias, Solid Four for the Serious Reader / Researcher, October 8, 2012 Michel Chossudovsky is a known researcher and writer who is easily left of center; his greatest value lies in his presentation of truth in detail, something the neo-conservatives (far right of …

Marcus Aurelius: C/JCS Asks SecDef to Forgive General Who Spent Lavishly as Commander of African Command – Starting Point for Reflection

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff apparently figures former AFRICOM commander should get a walk after DoD IG publishes damning report on him.  Read report, too large to e-mail, at link below and form your own conclusions. Strange because MG Ward is not a West Pointer.  Of course, case against toxic leader LTG Patrick …

Winslow Wheeler: John Saven on the Navy’s New Class of Floating Pigs

Among the examples of more expensive hardware providing less capability is the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS). Retired Marine Corps Lt. Col. John Sayen addresses the matter with specifics in a new piece at Time’s Batteland blog.  John is a friend, colleague and a co-author in the anthology America’s Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama …