Reflections on Data as the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, Machine or Man-Machine Translation, or M4IS2

It is fashionable now to talk about data as the new oil (or dirt), and to proclaim breathlessly that the ever-increasing masses of data allow for ever more wonderous things to be done including my personal favorite, situational awareness. However, no one is yet serious about holistic analytics (which also implies a holistic collection management …

Owl: China Delivered Turn-Key Nuclear Ballistic Missile System to Saudi Arabia from 2003

The most interesting item mentioned in this article about this self-published book from a CIA contractor, is the following: “ALEXANDRIA, Va. (CN) – Former CIA contractor Jonathan Scherck published a book “containing intelligence-related information” without the CIA’s permission and in violation of his secrecy agreements, the United States claims in Federal Court…In the excerpt from …

20120717 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall ARCHIVE OF DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE PERSON: All Opens Below Line .  Also Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Tom Atlee: Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food

  Emerging EcoNomics #4: Community revolution growing with food Dear friends, The remarkable article below speaks for itself and, since it is long, I won’t add much except strong encouragement for you to read it and a note that you can productively and enjoyably jump around in it (as I did) if you’d rather not …

David Isenberg: Private Military Corporations – The Worst of All Evils

PMSC Not Ready for U.N. Prime Time Huffington Post, 11 July 2012 For many years now, private military and security contractor (PMSC) advocates have argued that utilization of PMSC in United Nations peace operations offers an alternative to doing nothing or trying to organize a frequently dysfunctional U.N.-sponsored, often ill-equipped and organized intervention. Indeed, about …