Robert Steele: 5G is the Future, China is the Main Enemy? – Steve Bannon is a Moron

I wrote Steve Bannon off a while ago, but as he has been desperately scrabbling around for money (the Mercers very wisely cut him off) and is now running his mouth about shit he does not understand, I thought to highlight the headline below and make a comment. Stephen Bannon on Huawei and the Communist …

Phil Giraldi: Lying for Israel — Our Timid Unethical Congress

Lying for Israel: Why Nearly Everyone in Washington Does It There is no benefit for the United States when an American Ambassador excuses the brutality of a foreign government, quite the contrary as it makes Washington an accomplice in what are often undeniably war crimes. Even though Congressman Lieu was clearly read the riot act …

John Whitehead: The American Gulag — Police State, Predatory Mental Illness Lies, Disarming Veterans…

The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive by the Day The age-old practice by which despotic regimes eliminate their critics or potential adversaries by making them disappear—or forcing them to flee—or exiling them literally or figuratively or virtually from their fellow citizens—is happening with increasing frequency in America.