Miranda Devine: In Praise of Melania Trump, the Most Elegant First Lady in Modern History

Cultural Intelligence

In praise of Melania Trump, the first lady treated terribly by the media

A new book comparing Melania Trump and Michelle Obama has brought out predictable slaps against the current first lady from bullies who seek to attack the president through his family.

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Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: Occasionally the NY Post can be a class act, never-mind its Zionist ownership.  Not only is the First Lady the most elegant we have ever had in all history — including Jackie Kennedy, who is runner up — but she was a critical factor in helping the President get elected against all odds (the British book-makers predicting a landslide re-election win are the same ones that gave the President 20-1 toward 200-1 odds of winning in 2016). She passed the smell test with heartland America and she passes the authenticity test with mothers concerned about vaccines and other threats to their children. Hats off to Miranda Devine on this one.

Amazon Page

I have received a thank you note from the First Lady for the copy of the book by Marianne Williamson, The Politics of Love, and I pray that the First Lady will not allow Jared Kushner to screw up this campaign and repress her God-given talent for connecting with all of us.  If there is anyone in the Trump family who can play the politics of love card, it is First Lady Melania Trump.

Memorandum for the First Lady: Subject – A Politics of Love (the book and the author), you, your husband, and America UPDATE 2: Thank You Note Received

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