Yoda: Best Video of and Best Article on Chuck Hagel

Honest, he is…. ‘Before this is over, you might see calls for his impeachment.’ A multimedia exploration of Chuck Hagel’s historic moment, and what it means for a declining presidency. Read the story. See the videos. Watch history happen. EXTRACT: He’s out of patience with the young cheerleaders of this war, the chickenhawks at places …

Yoda: Demystifying Change – Thesis, Anti-Thesis, Synthesis

May the force be with you…. Demystifying the Pattern(s) of Change: A Common Archetype April 17, 2012 EXTRACT Complex Adaptive Systems Adaptation at the Edge of Chaos Without going too deep into the theories, complexity science and the theory of complex adaptive systems teach us that complex adaptive systems (CAS) and living systems (LS) adapt to …

Yoda: China Thinking — Rifkin Rising — Not Enough

Free, energy is.  Corrupt, governments are. The London Times: China Embraces Rifkin’s Third Industrial Revolution The London Times reported that members of the twenty-four person Politburo and senior party officials are reading and actively discussing Jeremy Rifkin’s New York Times bestselling book, The Third Industrial Revolution, on the eve of the National Party Congress on November 8th that will usher …