Ed Jewett: Book Review – Microcosm and Medium by Joseph Farrell — A Mind Control Prophylactic

There aren’t many things that get my anger and paranoia out for a walk on a rainy weekday afternoon than reading about advances being made by the military-industrial empire having to do with mind control. I like to be left alone to determine the direction of my life, so I find Joseph Farrell’s Microcosm and …

Mongoose: Archbishop Names Pope Francis as Archtiect of Pedophilic Evil — Power Sought At Any Price Including Over the Dead Bodies of Children

Explosive Report From Catholic Archbishop Names Pope Francis As Geopolitical Mastermind With ‘Back Channel Operatives’ In Vatican Intrigue Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò a few weeks ago released a shocking report that shows Pope Francis angling for political power on the world stage, and using any means necessary to obtain it even if that meant using …

Paul Craig Roberts: #GoogleGestapo – Social Media Is Now a Censorship Mechanism

Anti-Defamation League, Facebook, Google & Youtube Appoint Themselves As Official Internet Censor By Richard Enos Collective Evolution October 1, 2018 The obvious fact is that the cabal of organizations that will be sitting down at the Cyberhate Problem-Solving Lab will likely make little mention of the impact of cyber-bullying and online hate speech on human …

Mongoose: Why Is Steve Bannon Visiting Jeffrey Epstein the Pedophile Master?

Steve Bannon trying to get on disgraced Jeffrey Epstein’s good side Former White House chief strategist Bannon was spotted stepping out of his SUV and entering the registered sex offender’s sprawling 21,000-square-foot mansion at 9 E. 71st St. shortly before 7 a.m. Wednesday. Sources speculate that the disgraced ­Epstein wants to use his millions to …