Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP

Obama Assassination Said to be Legal Under Israeli Law Israeli Right to Kill President Supportable … by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 24 January 2012 Last week, an obscure publication in Atlanta issued what seemed to be a “suggestion” that the Israeli government “eliminate” President Obama for “reasons of state.”  The argument made by …

Mini-Me: Smoking Gun Documents on Iran From Israel Mossad?

Smoking Gun Documents On Iran “Found” By US-Backed Terror Group The people pushing for war against Iran are the same neocons who pushed for war against Iraq. See thisand this. (They planned both wars at least 20 years ago.) The IAEA report being trumpted as a casus belli contains no new information, but is based on a re-hashing of old, debunked …

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Moves Closer to War on Iran

Washington Moves The World Closer To War Since my January 11 column and the news alert posted on January 14 , more confirmation that Washington is moving the world toward a dangerous war has appeared. The Obama regime is using its Ministry of Propaganda, a.k.a., the American media, to spread the story that President Obama, …