Michel Bauwens: An Act to Criminalize Chartered Incorporated Business Entities

An Act To Criminalize Chartered, Incorporated Business Entities a work-in-progress Richard L. Grossman West Hurley, NY October 2011 As of 12:01 a.m. on July 4, 2012, no incorporated business shall exist or operate within the United States and its territories, or within any State or municipality. As of 12:01 a.m. on July 4, 2012, all …

David Swansson: When the World Outlawed War – A Model for Occupy to Achieve Electoral Reform Act of 2012

When the World Outlawed War: An Interview with David Swanson For those who know war only through television, criminalizing it sounds like proposing to criminalize government. But there was a time when the masses made war illegal. Bruce E. Levine Alternet, November 21, 2011 David Swanson’s recently released book, When the World Outlawed War, tells the …

Reference (2010): Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [PDF & Full Text Online]

Human Intelligence (HUMINT): All Humans, All Minds, All the Time (US Army Strategic Studies Institute, June 2010) Short URL: http://tinyurl.com/Steele-HUMINT Below the line: full text for automated translation.  The Amazon version is published by someone else abusing my original copyright granted only to SSI. Click on cover for free PDF download, or read full text …

Red Raven: Occupy the Library – Pass It On

Occupy The Library By Red Raven America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent …

Chuck Spinney: Manufacturing Dissent – The Rise of the Tea Party as an Elite Front – Opposite of OWS

Below is an excellent interview with Anthony DiMaggio in Counterpunch.  DiMaggio author of The Rise of the Tea Party, due out in November 2011. He uses the “propaganda model” developed by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in their book Manufacturing Consent to document and explain the Tea Party’s organizational dynamics for manufacturing dissent, and he …

Mini-Me: Iranian (US?) Plot Continues to Unravel UPDATE

Hmmmm.  Can you spell unethical idiocy?  AT BEST, the Iranian Liberation Nut-Jobs.  AT WORST, another Israeli false flag operation.  In the middle, the usual out-of-control lunatic covert action wanna-bees. Robert Steele adds:  if and when this becomes fully exposed, it will qualify as a “precipitant” of revolution, showing the public with stark immediacy the degree …