2012 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century: 450-Ship Navy, <24 Hours to Anywhere, Peace from the Sea -- Full Text Online

I wrote the original Somali piracy overview for US CENTCOM J-2P in 2005–no one wanted to take on the problem.  A few years later I was told by both USSOCOM and Navy Irregular Warfare–I am not making this up–that the reason they did not take an interest at the time was that it was “not …

Government Archive on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 SA Government Yekelo African Early Warning 2002 US Government FSMO Foreign Military Studies Office 2000 US Government Steele Spies and Secrecy in an Open World 1999 US Government Coile Information Overlay for Preparing & Coping with Local Disasters 1999 CA Government George OSINT: Islamic Unrest in China 1999 US Government Heidenrich Genocide Web Sites …

Testimony: White Paper for DCI John Negoponte on Leveraging OSINT to Enhance CIA/IC Mission Success

ROBERT STEELE: A large company paid me to write this in 2004, ostensibly as a white paper to be delivered to then newly-appointed DNI John Negoponte. In fairness to that company, even if they were honest on this point and not just buying my playbook, the prime contract they won with the Open Source Center …