Chuck Spinney: Why Doesn’t Spain Understand that Integrity is Priceless?

One of core component’s of the neoliberal agenda is privatization of state assets.  Attached is one countries reaction to the inequalities and economic distortions privatization introduces. CS Afloat in the Mediterranean Piracy as good policy by Serge Halimi Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 May, 2012 The head of state, confident after electoral victory, tells the governor …

Stephen Marrin: Evaluating the Quality of Intelligence Analysis: By What (Mis) Measure? With Comment by Robert Steele

Stephen Marrin Post-revision draft18 July 2011. Original draft submitted to Intelligence and National Security on 4 February 2011. Accepted for publication on 24 May 2011 pending minor revision. Evaluating the Quality of Intelligence Analysis: By What (Mis) Measure?< Dr. Stephen Marrin is a Lecturer in the Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies at Brunel University …

Gary North: Cancer Lobby Winning Big — Corrupt Congress is THE Cancer

Health and Free Trade by Gary North Tea Party Economist For over 250 years, economists – even before they were called economists – have struggled to solve a problem: how to persuade people that trade really is positive and that restrictions on trade really are negative. This is one more attempt. Let us assume that …

Yoda: Real-Time Crowd-Sourcing + Twitter Meta-RECAP

How to Perfect Real-Time Crowdsourcing The new techniques behind instant crowdsourcing makes human intelligence available on demand for the first time. One of the great goals of computer science is to embed human-like intelligence in common applications like image processing, robotic control and so on. Until recently the focus has been to develop an artificial …

Chuck Spinney: Hardware Über Alles in the Spendagon — Paneta Pumps Corporate Profits While Veterans Commit Suicide + Meta-RECAP

Hardware Über Alles in the Spendagon (Note to Readers, the following essay is a revised version of one that appeared in Time Magazine’s Battleland blog found at this link.) For a good example of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex’s (MICC’s) value system — which is hardware before ideas and people — read this New York Times column by Nicholas …