Worth a Look: EcoInvent Life Cycle Inventory Data

Created in 1997, the ecoinvent Centre (originally called the Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories) is a Competence Centre of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zurich), the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research (Empa), and the Swiss Federal Research Station Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon (ART). Our core …

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

The future of OSINT is M4IS2. The future of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is Multinational, Multifunctional, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making (M4IS2). The following, subject to the approval of Executive and Congressional leadership, are suggested hueristics (rules of thumb): Rule 1: All Open Source Information (OSIF) goes directly to the high side (multinational top secret) …

Journal: Dr. Dr. Dave Warner Shares…

Dr.Dave Warner, a medical neuroscientist, has an MD/PhD from Loma Linda University, is the director of the Institute for Interventional Informatics and has gained international recognition for pioneering new methods of physiologically based human-computer interaction.  The rest of us know him as one of the leaders of STRONG ANGEL, as the pioneer of the one-ounce …

Journal: Conflict Over Resources–Over the next 20 years, demand for food and energy will rise by half

The Madagascar model Nov 13th 2009 From The World in 2010 print edition By John Parker Conflicts over natural resources will grow In the world’s earliest written legal code, dating from 1790BC, Hammurabi, the king of Babylon, laid down rules governing the maintenance of irrigation systems and the amount of water people could take from …

Review: The Twenty-five Year Century: A South Vietnamese General Remembers the Indochina War to the Fall of Saigon

Important but Tedious Detail, First Book Probably Better November 25, 2009 I was so pleased to get this book today that it went right to the top of my reading pile and I spent the afternoon and evening with it. I lived in Viet-Nam from 1963-1967, going through ten coups d’etat as the son of …

Worth a Look: Berto Jongman Recommends….

Researcher Berto Jongman recommends 6 monographs, 5 articles, 3 books. EDIT of 24 Nov 09: 6 monograph recommendations added. Russia: A Promising Market for Islamic Finance 21/11/2009By Lahem al Nasser Riyadh, Asharq Al-Awsat- There are around 47 million Muslims in Russia, which means that Muslims make up around one third of Russia’s overall population. This …