SchwartzReport: Truths That Matter – Endless Afghanistan?

There are so many things I dislike about the Obama Administration but this story, which broke today, is appalling, and almost unbelievable. We have millions of Americans literally unclear where their next meal is coming from. We have the developed world’s! highest rate of child abuse. Our infrastructure is falling apart, and we have 50 …

Michael Shank: Why the White House Won’t Win the Afghanistan War…

Why the White House won’t win the Afghanistan war Washington Times, Wednesday, November 6, 2013 – Cause, Conflict, Conclusion by Michael Shank, Ph.D. WASHINGTON, November 7, 2013 — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry desperately needs a win on the Afghanistan war. Unfortunately, however, it appears increasingly unlikely he will get one. Despite repeated visits …

Steve Aftergood: CIA’s Mind-Set of Misadventure & Impunity

The CIA “Family Jewels,” Then and Now EXTRACT: In 1973, the Director of Central Intelligence ordered CIA officials to prepare a descriptive account of all CIA activities that were “outside the legislative charter of this Agency,” which is to say unauthorized or illegal.  The purpose of the exercise was to identify operations that had “flap …

Owl: High-Level Pedophiles Protected by the Police States

This article focuses on high-level pederasts in the UK. But if judges, politicians, Cabinet ministers, corporate executives and other “respectable” people are frequently found to be child molesters, surely their counterparts in other first world countries, such as the US, Germany, France, etc., must have similar numbers representative of high-level pedos? So much rot at …

Jean Lievens: A Typology of Openness (Tim Berners Lee via Michel Bauwens)

A typology of openness Tim Berners-Lee: “I was recently asked to talk about the idea of “open”, and I realized the term is used in at least eight different ways. The distinct interpretations are all important in different but interlocking ways. Getting them confused leads to a lot of misunderstanding, so it’s good to review …

Jean Lievens: How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution

How the 99% Are Using Lateral Power to Create a Global Revolution It’s happened before, in 1848 and in 1968. The youth of the world took to the streets to protest the injustices of autocratic political regimes and rapacious business interests and to demand the most basic human right to participate as equal citizens in …

4th Media: Facebook Partners with Police – Protests Blocked?

Partnership Between Facebook and Police Could Make Planning Protests Impossible A partnership between police departments and social media sites discussed at a convention in Philadelphia this week could allow law enforcement to keep anything deemed criminal off the Internet—and even stop people from organizing protests. A high-ranking official from the Chicago Police Department told attendees …