American Greatness: Red Flag Laws in the Age of Political Psychiatry — If President Trump Supports He Will NOT Be Re-Elected in 2020

Red Flag Laws in the Age of Political Psychiatry Psychologists and psychiatrists tend to be overwhelmingly people of the Left. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders changes every few years, removing old diagnoses like homosexuality and gender dysphoria, mostly because of political pressure from interest groups. A move is afoot to add conspiracy …

Stephen Lendman: Is Trump Really Defining Criticism of Israel as a Death Penalty Offense?

Trump Regime Redefines Anti-Semitism According to the State Department’s redefinition of anti-Semitism, it includes criticism “of the state of Israel.” It considers the legitimate global BDS movement anti-Semitic, a Big Lie. It includes comparing Israeli abuses against Palestinians to Nazi mistreatment of Jews. What the Nazis did to Jews on an industrial scale, Israel does …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle

American Gray Swans – Week 32 – The Epstein Debacle Dam, I did not want to discuss this scum of humanity in the Gray Swans, but it is a good example of a Multi Dimensional Chess Game playing out. Whatever actually happened, whether he committed suicide, was hit, was removed, was exchanged, was cloned, or …

SPECIAL: Poke Our President on #UNRIG By Donating Today to Marianne Williamson

From Robert David Steele to All Those Who Appreciate Dave Bertrand As I Do: There are a tiny handful of people that I trust completely and rely on heavily for perspectives not achievable through the Mainstream Media (MSM) and the controlled social media (I coined the term #GoogleGestapo) that censors, manipulates (polls, trends, search terms), …

American Greatness: The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’

The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’ What are we to make of racially themed congressional caucuses, safe spaces, segregated dorms and theme houses, separate graduate ceremonies, and national lobbying groups such as the former National Council of La Raza (“the Race”)? Are they now routine tools of white supremacy? Are they just appropriations of prior …