Marcus Aurelius: Seven Strategic Trends (Canada Sends)

Seven Sinister Strategic Trends: A Brief Examination of Events to Come by Lieutenant Nick Deshpande, Canadian Forces (Army), Intelligence Branch 1.  Decline of the United States 2.  Cyber Threats 3.  Fiscal Sustainability 4.  Transnational Organized Crime 5.  Environmental Degradation and Resource Scarcity 6.  Energy Crisis 7.  Global Pandemic  PDF 9 Pages Phi Beta Iota:   The …

Videos on Election Fraud/Theft

+ Stealing America: Vote by Vote + American Blackout: documentary of Greg Palast’s investigation into voter fraud + UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections + Hacking Democracy: The HBO Special + Election theft video archive from Note: Diebold – “Diebold Election Systems” acquired by “Premiere Election Solutions” then acquired by “ES&S” which was …

John Robb: Micro Drones Threaten US Citizens at Home

DRONES and US Internal Security Signature strikes target groups of men believed to be militants associated with terrorist groups, but whose identities aren’t always known. The bulk of CIA’s drone strikes are signature strikes.  Wall Street Journal. Drones are changing the dynamics of warfare in very scary ways.  They make oppression much easier (and cost-effective). …

Jon Lebkowsky: Steve Jobs on Convergent Multi-Media

Apple’s convergent television: “I finally cracked it!” We’ve been hearing for two decades now about television/computer/Internet convergence. Televisions sets today are advanced digital products, and we connect computers and specialized set-top boxes to ‘em, but they’re still primarily display devices. In his biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson writes that Jobs ““very much wanted to …