SmartPlanet: Urban beekeeping keeps cities healthy

Urban beekeeping keeps cities healthy   “We need bees for the future of our cities and urban living,” Noah Wilson-Rich said at TEDxBoston.  Wilson-Rich completed his Ph.D. in honeybee health in 2005. In 2006, honeybees started disappearing.  “We don’t even find dead bodies, and it’s bizarre. Researchers still do not know what’s causing it,” says …

Eagle: Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals

Pentagon report says Defense Department whistleblowers have been left vulnerable to reprisals By R. Jeffrey Smith and Aaron Mehta | Center for Public Integrity, 5 May 2012 The Defense Department has inadequately protected from reprisals whistleblowers who have reported wrongdoing, according to an internal Pentagon report, and critics are calling for action to be taken …

Josh Kilbourn: War Against Iran Has Been Underway

Is Iran Already Under Attack? Jeffrey Goldberg The Atlantic, Dec 2, 2011 Adam Chandler, the Goldblog deputy-editor-for-monitoring-Iran-obsessively-even-though-Goldblog-himself-also-monitors-Iran-obsessively, pointed out to me the other day that perhaps the West has already begun the attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, that perhaps we ought to reframe this issue a bit. The attacks he mentioned are not the usual …

Could BitTorrent Be The Distributed Social Network People Have Been Clamoring For?

Could BitTorrent Be The Distributed Social Network People Have Been Clamoring For? from the it’s-got-the-distribution… dept Innovation by Mike Masnick TechDirt, Thu, May 12th 2011 One of the key things we’ve been noting over the past few months is how many more people are beginning to recognize the benefits of having systems and services that …

Department of State at MIT: NYT still the source of record, and we assume CIA on top of social media….but I’ve just been fired for being honest about DoD mistreatment of Private Manning…

Philip J. Crowley Assistant Secretary Bureau of Public Affairs Speaking at MIT’s Center for Civic Media Phi Beta Iota: Worth reading, candid, interesting at multiple levels, not least of which is that the New York Times is still his source of record, and he assumes that CIA has a grip on social media–never mind that …