SchwartzReport: Worst Bee Die-Off in 40 Years — Meanwhile, US Poor Make $2.13 versus Koch Brothers $3 Million an Hour

Two readers, one a beekeeper reader sent me this, the beekeeper saying he had lost over half his hives this year. I found it very depressing. All of this is the result of a few corporations I do not hesitate to call evil. If the bees go, the human race may not be far behind. …

SchwartzReport: The Cycle of Evil — Monsanto, Banks, Bees, & Myths of Martyrdom

The idea of patenting life forms, I think, is morally repugnant and, as this case illustrates, naturally leads to grotesque outcomes like trying to control the world’s food supply. Think about it: this is a kind of mythic evil. GMO and the Corporate Patenting of Living Organisms: Monsanto’s Patents on Life KATHERINE PAUL and RONNIE …

Dolphin: Skull and Bones Welcomes Interrogation Facility and Medical Experiments on Immigrants at Yale — Been There, Done That…

An Interrogation Center at Yale? Proposed Pentagon Special Ops Training Facility Sparks Protests 43 minute video plus full transcript EXTRACT: Students and alumni at Yale University are organizing against a proposed campus center to train special operations forces in interview techniques. The center would be funded by a $1.8 million grant from the Pentagon and …

SchwartzReport: Bees Make 70 of 90 Human Foods Possible — US Lost One Third of All Bee Colonies in 2012, While EU Striving to Protect Their Bees

Although there is still great resistance as you can see in this report slowly, at least in Europe, the truth about the role of pesticides and herbicides in the decline of the bees is being recognized. Here in the U.S. nothing is happening, even as the collapse of bee colonies increases. About one-third of bee …

SchwartzReport: Genetically Modified Food = Dead Bees No Pollination & Human Cancers in Throat, Kidneys, and Liver — Oh, We Almost Forgot — Infertility by the Third Generation of Eaters

Common Pesticides Threaten Bees, E.U. Watchdog Warns TANIA RABESANDRATANA – Science In spite of all the money being spent by Monsanto, Syngenta, and Bayer Crop Science and others to buy off governments the truth about the connection between neonicotinoids and the collapse of the bees is finally breaking through. Read full article. The Great Experiment: …

GI Wilson: Sandy Situation on Google Crisis Map, USMC and USN Helping — Sea Bees and Red Hats Not Visible

We do have active duty Marines from 26 MEU and CLB….why the SeaBees Gurad, and DOD are not setting up tent camps is beyond me unless DHS-FEMA wants to re-do the trailer cities it did for Kartinia but way too late……suspect there is turf battles going on……what are the unions doing???Hmmmmmm! Below is URL for …