Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Ramps Up Police State Big Data Offering

Amazon: Accommodating Big Chunks of Data Our research into Amazon’s capabilities caused us to note the information in “Amazon Rolls Out High Memory Instances for In-Memory Databases.” Many companies want to munch on Big Data. I would point out that certain US government organization have a healthy appetite for the capability as well. I noted …

Penguin: Has Oracle of Oracle Lost His Mojo?

Oracle’s Autonomous Database Cloud is a Huge Technological Advantage vs. Investors Are Losing Patience With Oracle’s Opaque Cloud Growth ROBERT STEELE:  ORACLE has enough cash flow to beat Amazon (which at this time is poised to destroy IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft as well as Google and others). ORACLE appears to lack  the imagination and incentive …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Losing to Amazon on Cross-Correlation

Google: Online to Brick and Mortar Cross Correlation Our research suggests that Amazon may have a slight edge in the cross correlation of user data. Google, whether pulling a me too or simply going its own way, has decided to link online and brick and mortar data. The effort was revealed in “Google and MasterCard …

Robert Steele: An Interview with Stephen E. Arnold on Google and Google Search — How the Digital Mummy Might Manipulate Search (Never Mind #GoogleGestapo Censorship)

I have known Stephen E. Arnold since the early 1990’s when he quickly became the only speaker to be demanded by my international audience every year. I have relied on him over the years for truthful open source intelligence and deep insights not available from other commercial sources. Although he is now retired, I believe …

Stephen E. Arnold: Quantum Hype, Quantum Issues with Comment by William Binney

THE HYPE: Tomorrow’s Quantum Computers Are Already Threatening Today’s Data (DefenseOne) MY COMMENTS: Quantum computing is an active research field. Physicists, electrical engineers, programmers, venture capital firms, and manufacturers of exotic instruments are wetting their pants for the next big thing in computing. When money is at stake or available, hyperbole is a “quantum” side effect. …

Penguin: Swarm – Ethereum’s 3rd Shot at Decentalized Internet

Swarm: Inside Ethereum’s Push to Create a Decentralized Internet The Lead Developer of the Swarm team, Viktor Trón, has announced the immediate release and deployment to the public testnet of Ethereum’s Swarm client v0.3, which represents the third proof-of-concept (POC3) installment of this tool. Decentralized Technologies like Ethereum, Swarm, and Whisper, which Trón calls “The Holy Trinity”, …