Penguin: The Open Source Approach to Accelerating Digital Transformation [PBI: Still Retarded]

The Open Source Approach to Accelerating Digital Transformation According to “Connecting Capabilities: the Asian Digital Transformation Index”, a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit, digital transformation continues to be a high priority for business leaders, as efforts in that space can lead to improved innovation, streamlined processes, cost savings, and the creation of new offerings …

Penguin: Assessing the economic impact and business models of open source

Assessing the economic impact and business models of open source If you combine IBM’s acquisition with Microsoft’s buyout of GitHub last year, at the very least you could say that the open source game is changing. These events communicate an increasing interest from the enterprise space in open source technologies as bankable prospects, with big …

Penguin: New Internet: Blockchain Technology Could Help Us Take Back Our Data from Facebook, Google and Amazon

Good work by Newsweek.  But what comes after Ethernet? New Internet: Blockchain Technology Could Help Us Take Back Our Data from Facebook, Google and Amazon EXTRACT: In 2017, IBM and Walmart’s vice president for food safety, Frank Yiannas, demonstrated how blockchain might facilitate the rapid response to an outbreak or simply make it easier to …