Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

Ed Jewett: Millennium Report on US Mass Shootings as Staged False Flag Events with Gun Control Agenda

OPERATION GLADIO C: False Flag Shooting on North Carolina University Campus Last Target of April 2019 Never-ending Mass Shootings in America Make No Sense Except That They Are Perpetrated by a Highly Organized Terrorist Group Such as NATO’s Operation Gladio The key paragraph: “… There’s nothing real about these mass casualty events (MCE); each one …

State of the Nation: Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero — UPDATE Chabad Zionist Rabbi Sheriff…

Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting With a Fake Hero That’s Probably a Total Hoax The Mossad Owns and Operates the American Terrorist Industry SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry to say that yesterday’s shooting at the San Diego-area synagogue has all the elements of not only a false flag but also juvenile hoax.  That there was an …

Robert Steele: Notre Dame Cathedral Burning False Flag, Organized by Macron, Insurance Fraud, Funding Paris Olympics, Saving EU & Central Banks UPDATE 18

SHORT URL: I was  devastated by the total burning of Notre Dame cathedral, a place where I once prayed in thanks for one of my son’s who survived what might otherwise have been a certain death. The parallels to both the Reichstag Fire and 9/11 loomed. Then I heard from the shadow foreign minister …

Mongoose: 14 Reasons Why the New Zealand Mosque Attack Could Be a False Flag Mossad Operation UPDATE 4: Repaired from Shit Steemit

14 Reasons Why the New Zealand Mosque Attack Could Be a ‘False-Flag’ Mossad Operation 1 The Dog Whistle: My Fellow White People 2 The “Uneducated White Male” Caricature 3 Too Stupid For Grammar, Yet So Smart He Profits from Bitconnect/Bitcoin 4 Iran Connection (1): Visits to North Korea, One of Iran’s Few Political Allies 5 …