Ed Jewett: Pandemic Integrity 101 – USA Fails Big Time – Memo for POTUS

Coalescing Effective Community Disaster Response: Simulation and Virtual Communities of Practice Decisions and information flow back and forth, and up and down, the tapestry of response. Inaccurate perceptions, ineffective and inefficient communications and other factors may combine to generate instability or breakdown in systems responsible for crisis management and communal safety and well-being.

Robert Steele: Retired Senior Intelligence Officer Calls for Purge

As received in a direct email. I and Bill Binney and others agree. From my foxhole, I only see obama holdovers, Never Trump and deep state scum operating the intelligence organizations.  This will not change until a massive house cleaning sweeps all these types away to the sewers whence they came.  This includes the military …

Robert Reich: Democrats Refused to Fix the Rigged System — They Share the Blame…

Why Democrats share the blame for the rise of Donald Trump I was part of a Democratic administration that failed to fix a rigged system – I know our current president is a symptom of our disunion, not its only cause Democrats did nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that had …

Robert Steele: National Security Strategy — The Mattis Version

Platitudes without integrity.  This is the 2018 Mattis version but this is what the good people trapped in  the bad system called the Pentagon are working with.  This “strategy” lacks integrity, is divorced from reality, does not do true cost economics, and is not helpful to American security. PDF (14 Pages): 2018-National-Defense-Strategy-Summary See Instead: Robert …