SchwartzReport: Citizens Name US Government as #1 Problem — 69% Not Satisfied PBI: More Attacks on Police Certain

This is dangerous territory. When two thirds of the people in a democracy are dissatisfied with the government but feel unable to change it, social unrest arises. Americans Name Government as No. 1 U.S. Problem Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, …

SchwartzReport: Naomi Klein on Predatory Capitalism, Holistic Earth & Human Centric Economics

I am beginning to detect a growing trend towards changing the capitalist economic model from one in which profit is the only priority to one in which wellness is the priority, and profit must be made within that paradigm. SPIEGEL Interview with Naomi Klein: ‘The Economic System We Have Created Global Warming’ Phi Beta Iota: …

SchwartzReport: America’s Electoral Nightmare — Global Laughingstock for Lack of Integrity

If we cannot tell ourselves the truth, corrective choices are not possible. Here is the truth about the integrity of America’s electoral process. We come in 26th in the world, one step above Mexico. Nothing to be proud of. America’s election nightmare: How voter ID, gerrymandering & fundraising made us a laughingstock Here’s what happens …

SchwartzReport: Big Pharma Evil — 70% of Prescription Drugs DO NOT WORK!

I know very few doctors who are genuinely happy with the state of medicine in the U.S., and there is no question that we have notably inferior healthcare. The illness profit system is incredibly lucrative for its corporate owners. Absolutely top of the line in terms of profit. In terms of health, not so much.  …